Смотреть что такое "ski-plane" в других словарях:
ski plane — /ˈski pleɪn/ (say skee playn) noun an aircraft fitted with skis, able to land on snow. Also, ski plane …
ski plane — n an aircraft that has long thin narrow parts on the bottom instead of wheels, for landing on snow … Dictionary of contemporary English
ski|plane — «SKEE PLAYN», noun. airplane equipped with skis for landing and taking off on snow … Useful english dictionary
ski-plane — noun an airplane equipped with skis so it can land on a snowfield • Hypernyms: ↑airplane, ↑aeroplane, ↑plane * * * ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ noun : a land based airplane equipped with landing skis * * * n. an airplane fitted with skis for landing on snow or ice … Useful english dictionary
ski plane — noun an aircraft having its undercarriage fitted with skis for landing on snow or ice … English new terms dictionary
ski plane — noun (C) an aircraft that has skis (ski1 (2)) for landing on snow, instead of wheels … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
ski — n. & v. n. (pl. skis or ski) 1 each of a pair of long narrow pieces of wood etc., usu. pointed and turned up at the front, fastened under the feet for travelling over snow. 2 a similar device under a vehicle or aircraft. 3 = WATER SKI. 4… … Useful english dictionary
Ski simulators — are training systems for Skiers and Snowboarders. They have the advantage of portability and can be placed indoors, permitting training to be done in any season.There are many revolving carpet ski simulators and indoor ski slope carpets around… … Wikipedia
Ski collector — This is an electrical power collector used on stud contact electrification systems. It is also referred to as a skate or skate collector.It is a flat plate slightly longer than the maximum distance between any two studs. This ensures that at all… … Wikipedia
water ski — I noun broad ski for skimming over water towed by a speedboat • Hypernyms: ↑ski II verb ride water skis (Freq. 1) • Derivationally related forms: ↑water skiing … Useful english dictionary
Mammoth Mountain Ski Area — Mammoth Mountain Wipeout Chutes under Chair 23 after a fresh snow with Minarets peaks of Ritter Range in the background. Location Mammoth Mountain Sierra Nevada … Wikipedia