ski tow
Смотреть что такое "ski tow" в других словарях:
ski tow — ski′ tow n. 1) spo Also called rope tow a type of ski lift in which skiers are hauled up a slope while grasping a looped, endless rope driven by a motor. 2) spo ski lift • Etymology: 1930–35 … From formal English to slang
ski tow — ☆ ski tow n. a kind of ski lift for pulling skiers up a slope on their skis … English World dictionary
Ski tow — A ski tow, also called rope tow or handle tow, is a mechanised system for pulling skiers and snowboarders uphill. In its most basic form, it consists of a long rope loop running through a pulley at the bottom and one at the top, powered by an… … Wikipedia
ski tow — 1. Also called rope tow. a type of ski lift in which skiers are hauled up a slope while grasping a looped, endless rope driven by a motor. 2. a ski lift. [1930 35] * * * … Universalium
ski tow — noun a powered conveyance that carries skiers up a hill • Syn: ↑ski lift, ↑lift • Derivationally related forms: ↑lift (for: ↑lift) • Hypernyms: ↑conveyance, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
ski tow — noun Date: 1935 1. a motor driven conveyor that is used for pulling skiers up a slope and that consists usually of an endless moving rope which a skier grasps 2. ski lift … New Collegiate Dictionary
ski lift — noun a powered conveyance that carries skiers up a hill • Syn: ↑ski tow, ↑lift • Derivationally related forms: ↑lift (for: ↑lift) • Hypernyms: ↑conveyance, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
tow — I n. 1) a ski tow 2) to take (a ship) in tow II v. 1) (D; tr.) to tow into (to tow a barge into a port) 2) (D; tr.) to tow out of (to tow a boat out of a harbor) 3) (D; tr.) to tow to (to tow a car to a garage) * * * [təʊ] a ski tow to take (a… … Combinatory dictionary
tow — tow1 towable, adj. towability, n. /toh/, v.t. 1. to pull or haul (a car, barge, trailer, etc.) by a rope, chain, or other device: The car was towed to the service station. n. 2. an act or instance of towing. 3. something being towed … Universalium
tow — I. verb Etymology: Middle English, from Old English togian; akin to Old English tēon to draw, pull, Old High German ziohan to draw, pull, Latin ducere to draw, lead Date: before 12th century transitive verb to draw or pull along behind ; haul … New Collegiate Dictionary
tow — I [[t]toʊ[/t]] v. t. 1) cvb to pull or haul (a car, barge, trailer, etc.) by a rope, chain, or other device 2) an act or instance of towing 3) something being towed 4) cvb something, as a boat or truck, that tows 5) cvb a rope, chain, metal bar,… … From formal English to slang