skew zigzag
Смотреть что такое "skew zigzag" в других словарях:
skew — Synonyms and related words: aberrancy, aberration, agee, agee jawed, angle, angle off, askance, askant, askew, askewgee, asquint, asymmetric, awry, bear off, bend, bent, bias, branching off, catawampous, catawamptious, circuitousness, cockeyed,… … Moby Thesaurus
zigzag — Synonyms and related words: L, V shaped, Y shaped, aberrancy, aberrant, aberration, aberrative, akimbo, alternate, angle, angle off, angular, apex, avoidance, avoiding reaction, back and fill, battledore and shuttlecock, bend, bendy, bent, bias,… … Moby Thesaurus
John Flinders Petrie — (1907−1972) fue un matemático inglés, quien demostró una notable aptitud geométrica en su juventud. Cuando era un estudiante, conoció al gran geómetra Harold Scott MacDonald Coxeter, comenzando una amistad de toda la vida. Ellos colaboraron en el … Wikipedia Español
Pluie torrentielle sous orage — Pluie torrentielle sous un orage à la Nouvelle Orléans Une pluie torrentielle sous orage, aussi appelée lame d eau, est un événement météorologique violent qui se produit lorsqu un orage contenant une masse importante d eau la déverse en très peu … Wikipédia en Français
twist — 1. verb 1) the impact twisted the chassis Syn: crumple, crush, buckle, mangle, warp, deform, distort 2) her face twisted with rage Syn: contort, screw up 3) Ma anxiously twisted a hand … Thesaurus of popular words
bend — v 1. flex, bow, crook, twist, contort; curve, turn, swerve, veer, deviate, divagate, deflect, diverge; circle, coil, curl, spiral, loop; meander, worn, zigzag, wind, wind in and out, sinuate; hook, angle off, shoot off at an angle; arch, vault,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
turn — v 1. rotate, spin, revolve, Archaic. trundle; swivel, pivot, wheel, caracole; roll, rev, twirl, twiddle, crank; reel, circumvolve, circumrotate, gyre; gyrate, circle, whirl, circumduct; swirl, eddy, circulate, move in circles, go round; (of the… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
twist — v 1. twine, entwine, weave, lace, knit, splice; plait, pleach, braid; intertwine, interwind, interweave, interlace. 2. circle, encircle, surround, wrap, enwrap, wreathe. 3. sprain, wrench, turn, wrick, throw out of joint. 4. contort, distort,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
crooked — Synonyms and related words: Machiavellian, Roman nosed, V shaped, Y shaped, agee, agee jawed, akimbo, ambidextrous, amoral, anamorphous, angular, aquiline, aquiline nosed, artful, askance, askant, askew, askewgee, asquint, asymmetric, awry, beak… … Moby Thesaurus
oblique — adj 1. slanting, sloping, slated, inclined, tilted, atilt, listing, canting; diagonal, abaxial, pla gihedral, rhomboidal, eater cornered; All Geol. synclinal, anticlinal, anaclinal, cataclinal. 2. askew, skew, aslant, awry, wry, askant, askance,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
Alkane stereochemistry — concerns the stereochemistry of linear alkanes and the linear alkane conformers. The existence of more than one conformation is due to hindered rotation around sp3 hybridised carbon carbon bonds. The smallest molecule with such a chemical bond,… … Wikipedia