skew data

skew data
мат. данные, имеющие асимметричное распределение;
асимметричные данные

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "skew data" в других словарях:

  • skew — [[t]skyu[/t]] v. i. 1) to turn aside or swerve; take an oblique course 2) to look askance; squint 3) to give an oblique direction to; shape, form, or cut obliquely 4) to distort; misrepresent: to skew data[/ex] 5) having an oblique direction or… …   From formal English to slang

  • Skew — or skew lines lie on different planes. They are neither parallel nor intersecting.Mathematics*In geometry, straight lines in a space referred to as skew if they are neither parallel nor intersecting. *In statistics, skew is sometimes used as an… …   Wikipedia

  • Skew arch — A skew arch (also known as an oblique arch) is a method of construction that enables an arch bridge to span an obstacle at some angle other than a right angle. This results in the faces of the arch not being perpendicular to its abutments and its …   Wikipedia

  • Data transformation (statistics) — A scatterplot in which the areas of the sovereign states and dependent territories in the world are plotted on the vertical axis against their populations on the horizontal axis. The upper plot uses raw data. In the lower plot, both the area and… …   Wikipedia

  • skew — I. verb Etymology: Middle English, to escape, run obliquely, from Anglo French *eskiuer, eschiver to escape, avoid more at eschew Date: 15th century intransitive verb 1. to take an oblique course 2. to look askance transitive verb 1. to make, set …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Clock skew — Contents 1 In circuit design 1.1 Harmful skew 1.2 Beneficial skew 2 On a network 3 Interfaces …   Wikipedia

  • Transitive data skew — is the uneven distribution of otherwise evenly distributed data across a number of devices while the data is in transition. If sorted data is being distributed across multiple devices and the column on which that data is sorted is the key used to …   Wikipedia

  • List of terms relating to algorithms and data structures — The [ NIST Dictionary of Algorithms and Data Structures] is a reference work maintained by the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology. It defines a large number of terms relating to algorithms and data… …   Wikipedia

  • Heap (data structure) — This article is about the programming data structure. For the dynamic memory area, see Dynamic memory allocation. Example of a complete binary max heap In computer science, a heap is a specialized tree based data structure that satisfies the heap …   Wikipedia

  • Double Data Rate — Un bus informatique fonctionnant en double data rate (rythme de données double) transfère les données à la fois sur le flanc montant et sur le flanc descendant des impulsions d horloge, ce qui a pour effet de doubler le débit du bus en évitant… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Double data rate — Un bus informatique ou une mémoire fonctionnant en double data rate (« débit de données double »), ou DDR, transfère les données à la fois sur le front montant et sur le front descendant des impulsions d horloge, ce qui a pour effet de… …   Wikipédia en Français

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