skeleton crystal
Смотреть что такое "skeleton crystal" в других словарях:
skeleton crystal — dendritinis kristalas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. dendrite crystal; pine tree crystal; skeleton crystal vok. dendritischer Kristall, m; Skelettkristall, m; Tannenbaumkristall, m rus. дендритный кристалл, m; древовидный кристалл,… … Fizikos terminų žodynas
skeleton crystal — noun : an imperfect crystal arrested in development after the forming of the outline but before the filling in of the faces … Useful english dictionary
Skeleton — Skel e*ton, a. Consisting of, or resembling, a skeleton; consisting merely of the framework or outlines; having only certain leading features of anything; as, a skeleton sermon; a skeleton crystal. [1913 Webster] {Skeleton bill}, a bill or draft… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Skeleton bill — Skeleton Skel e*ton, a. Consisting of, or resembling, a skeleton; consisting merely of the framework or outlines; having only certain leading features of anything; as, a skeleton sermon; a skeleton crystal. [1913 Webster] {Skeleton bill}, a bill… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Skeleton key — Skeleton Skel e*ton, a. Consisting of, or resembling, a skeleton; consisting merely of the framework or outlines; having only certain leading features of anything; as, a skeleton sermon; a skeleton crystal. [1913 Webster] {Skeleton bill}, a bill… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Skeleton leaf — Skeleton Skel e*ton, a. Consisting of, or resembling, a skeleton; consisting merely of the framework or outlines; having only certain leading features of anything; as, a skeleton sermon; a skeleton crystal. [1913 Webster] {Skeleton bill}, a bill… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Skeleton proof — Skeleton Skel e*ton, a. Consisting of, or resembling, a skeleton; consisting merely of the framework or outlines; having only certain leading features of anything; as, a skeleton sermon; a skeleton crystal. [1913 Webster] {Skeleton bill}, a bill… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Skeleton regiment — Skeleton Skel e*ton, a. Consisting of, or resembling, a skeleton; consisting merely of the framework or outlines; having only certain leading features of anything; as, a skeleton sermon; a skeleton crystal. [1913 Webster] {Skeleton bill}, a bill… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Skeleton shrimp — Skeleton Skel e*ton, a. Consisting of, or resembling, a skeleton; consisting merely of the framework or outlines; having only certain leading features of anything; as, a skeleton sermon; a skeleton crystal. [1913 Webster] {Skeleton bill}, a bill… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Skeleton aux jeux Olympiques — Skeleton aux Jeux olympiques … Wikipédia en Français
Skeleton aux jeux olympiques — Skeleton aux Jeux olympiques … Wikipédia en Français