Смотреть что такое "sjambok" в других словарях:
Sjambok — (Plastik) Die originalen Nilpferdpeitschen, auch Sjambok, werden aus Flusspferdehaut (wegen ihrer starken Strapazierfähigkeit) hergestellt. Aufgrund des Artenschutzes wird jedoch mittlerweile oftmals harter, elastischer Kunststoff verwendet. Das… … Deutsch Wikipedia
sjambok — ► NOUN ▪ (in South Africa) a long, stiff whip, originally made of rhinoceros hide. ► VERB ▪ flog with a sjambok. ORIGIN South African Dutch tjambok, from Urdu … English terms dictionary
sjambok — [sham′bäk] n. [Afrik < Malay cambuk, a large whip < Hindi cābuk] in South Africa, a whip traditionally made of rhinoceros or hippopotamus hide vt. to strike or flog with a sjambok … English World dictionary
Sjambok — A 3 (90 cm) plastic sjambok used by South African Police. The sjambok or litupa is the official heavy leather whip of South Africa, sometimes seen as synonymous with apartheid but actually much older and still used outside the official judiciary … Wikipedia
sjambok — 1. noun /ˈʃæmbɒk/ A stout whip, especially made of rhinoceros or hippopotamus hide. , 1963: Foppl stood holding a sjambok or cattle whip of giraffe hide, tapping the handle against his leg in a steady, syncopated figure. Thomas Pynchon, V. See… … Wiktionary
sjambok — UK [ˈʃæmbɒk] / US [ˌʃæmˈbɑk] noun [countable] Word forms sjambok : singular sjambok plural sjamboks South African a strong, heavy whip made from the skin of a rhinoceros or hippopotamus … English dictionary
sjambok — [ ʃambɒk] noun (in South Africa) a long, stiff whip, originally made of rhinoceros hide. verb (sjamboks, sjambokking, sjambokked) flog with a sjambok. Origin from S. Afr. Du. tjambok, via Malay from Urdu chābuk … English new terms dictionary
sjambok — n. & v. n. (in S. Africa) a rhinoceros hide whip. flog with a sjambok. Etymology: Afrik. f. Malay samboq, chambok f. Urdu chabuk … Useful english dictionary
sjambok — /sham bok , buk /, n. 1. (in southern Africa) a heavy whip, usually of rhinoceros hide. v.t. 2. to whip with or as if with such a whip. [1820 30; < Afrik s(j)ambok < Malay cambuk whip < Hindi cabuk] * * * … Universalium
sjambok — sjam·bok … English syllables
sjambok — /ˈʃæmbɒk/ (say shambok) South African –noun 1. a heavy whip of rhinoceros or other hide. –verb (t) (sjambokked, sjambokking) 2. to strike with or as with such a whip. {Afrikaans, from Malay samboq, from Hindustani cābuk horsewhip, from Persian} …