Смотреть что такое "six-footer" в других словарях:
six footer — six footers N COUNT Someone who is six foot tall can be called a six footer. [INFORMAL] ...a strapping six footer. ...the brunette six footer … English dictionary
Six-footer — Six foot er, n. One who is six feet tall. [Colloq. U.S.] [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
six-footer — noun count INFORMAL someone who is at least six feet tall … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
six-footer — noun a person who is at least six feet tall • Hypernyms: ↑person, ↑individual, ↑someone, ↑somebody, ↑mortal, ↑soul * * * /siks foot euhr/, n. a person who is roughly six feet tall. [1835 45; … Useful english dictionary
six-footer — /siks foot euhr/, n. a person who is roughly six feet tall. [1835 45; SIX + FOOT + ER1] * * * … Universalium
six-footer — noun a) A person who is six feet tall. b) An object that is six feet in length or height … Wiktionary
six-footer — /sɪks ˈfʊtə/ (say siks footuh) noun Colloquial 1. someone who is six feet tall or over. 2. that which is six feet long …
six-footer — noun (C) informal someone who is at least six feet (1.83 metres) tall … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
-footer — foot er suff. a suffix designating something with a length of (so many) feet; used only in combinations with a numerical prefix; as, he is a six footer; the golfer sank a 40 footer; his yacht is a 60 footer. [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
footer — Ⅰ. footer [1] ► NOUN 1) a person or thing of a specified number of feet in length or height: a six footer. 2) a kick of a football performed with a specified foot: a low left footer. 3) a line of text appearing at the foot of each page of a book… … English terms dictionary
-footer — [foot′ər] combining form a person or thing (a specified number of) feet tall, high, long, etc.: used in hyphenated compounds [ six footer] * * * … Universalium