
ˈsɪtjueɪtɪd прил.
1) расположенный situated in the neighbourhood ≈ расположенный по соседству
2) находящийся в определенных обстоятельствах, условиях thus situated ≈ в таких обстоятельствах расположенный, помещенный каким-либо образом - badly * village неудачно расположенная деревня - centrally * с центральным местоположением находящийся в каких-либо обстоятельствах, условиях - * in a critical position находящийся в критическом положении - thus * he was sure to win при данных обстоятельствах он наверняка должен победить - life is not worth living, * as I am в моем положении не стоит жить находящийся в каком-либо материальном положении - comfortably * хорошо обеспеченный - having six children and no income the widow was badly * при шестерых детях и без всякого дохода вдова сильно нуждалась занимающий какое-либо место или положение - how is he *? каково его положение в обществе? situated расположенный;
находящийся в определенных обстоятельствах, условиях;
thus situated в таких обстоятельствах situated расположенный;
находящийся в определенных обстоятельствах, условиях;
thus situated в таких обстоятельствах

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "situated" в других словарях:

  • situated — sit‧u‧at‧ed [ˈsɪtʆueɪtd] adjective 1. be situated to be in a particular place or position: • We stayed in a small town situated just south of Cleveland. • All the apartments are beautifully situated overlooking the beach. 2. be well/​badly… …   Financial and business terms

  • situated — adjective anchored, bestead, conlocatus, embedded, ensconced, established, fixed, found, housed, implanted, installed, laid, located, lodged, occupying, placed, planted, posited, positioned, positus, posted, proximate to, put, quartered, rooted,… …   Law dictionary

  • situated — [sich′o͞oāt΄id] adj. [pp. of SITUATE] 1. placed as to site or position; located 2. placed as to circumstances, esp. financial circumstances [securely situated] …   English World dictionary

  • situated — [adj] located established, fixed, occupying, parked, placed, planted, positioned, set, settled, stationed; concept 488 …   New thesaurus

  • Situated — In artificial intelligence and cognitive science, the term situated refers to an agent which is embedded in an environment. The term situated is commonly used to refer to robots, but some researchers argue that software agents can also be… …   Wikipedia

  • situated — sit|u|at|ed [ˈsıtʃueıtıd] adj be situated to be in a particular place or position = ↑located be situated in/near/at etc ▪ The house is situated near the college. ▪ a farm situated in the valley conveniently/ideally/beautifully etc situated ▪ The… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • situated — adjective 1 be situated to be in a particular place or position: a small town situated just south of Cleveland | beautifully/conveniently/pleasantly situated: All the apartments are beautifully situated overlooking the beach. 2 be well/badly… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • situated — [[t]sɪ̱tʃueɪtɪd[/t]] ADJ: v link ADJ prep, adv ADJ If something is situated in a particular place or position, it is in that place or position. His hotel is situated in one of the loveliest places on the Loire... The pain was situated above and… …   English dictionary

  • Situated — Situate Sit u*ate (?; 135), Situated Sit u*a ted, a. [LL. situatus, from situare to place, fr. L. situs situation, site. See {Site}.] 1. Having a site, situation, or location; being in a relative position; permanently fixed; placed; located; as,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • situated — adj. VERBS ▪ be ADVERB ▪ beautifully, delightfully, ideally, picturesquely, pleasantly, superbly, well …   Collocations dictionary

  • situated — sit|u|at|ed [ sıtʃu,eıtıd ] adjective ** 1. ) in a particular place: LOCATED: This modern three star hotel is situated close to the city center. The Business Library is situated on the ground floor. 2. ) FORMAL in a particular situation,… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

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