sit out

sit out

1) не участвовать (в чем-л., особ. в танцах) I think I'll sit out the next dance, I'm tired. ≈ Я думаю, что пропущу следующий танец : я устала.
2) высиживать до конца I decided to sit out the rest of the film. ≈ Я решила досидеть до конца фильма.
3) пересидеть (кого-л.) She was determined to sit the other woman out. ≈ Она должна была пересидеть другую женщину. высиживать (до конца) - to * a concert высидеть до конца концерта - to * the whole performance просидеть весь спектакль сидеть в стороне, не принимая участия (в чем-либо) - to * a dance пропустить какой-либо танец (на балу) - let's sit this one out, shall we? давайте пропустим этот танец, хорошо? - to * an election бойкотировать выборы пересидеть (кого-либо)

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "sit out" в других словарях:

  • sit out — {v.} To not take part in. * /The next dance is a polka. Let s sit it out./ * /Toby had to sit out the last half of the game because his knee hurt./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • sit out — {v.} To not take part in. * /The next dance is a polka. Let s sit it out./ * /Toby had to sit out the last half of the game because his knee hurt./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • sit out — ► sit out not take part in. Main Entry: ↑sit …   English terms dictionary

  • sit-out — «SIHT OWT», noun. a defensive maneuver in wrestling in which the wrestler on the bottom goes into a sitting position to escape a hold or assume the offensive …   Useful english dictionary

  • sit out — verb 1. not participate in (an activity, such as a dance or a sports event) (Freq. 1) He sat out the game • Topics: ↑sport, ↑athletics • Hypernyms: ↑refrain, ↑forbear …   Useful english dictionary

  • sit out — phrasal verb [transitive] Word forms sit out : present tense I/you/we/they sit out he/she/it sits out present participle sitting out past tense sat out past participle sat out 1) to stop doing something for a period of time I m tired, so I think… …   English dictionary

  • sit out — PHRASAL VERB If you sit something out, you wait for it to finish, without taking any action. [V n P] The only thing I can do is keep quiet and sit this one out... [V P n (not pron)] He can afford to sit out the property slump …   English dictionary

  • sit out — verb a) To decline to participate; particularly, to decline to dance. I dont like this tune, and Im rather tired, so I think Ill just sit out. b) To lean out to the windward side of a sailboat in order to …   Wiktionary

  • sit\ out — v To not take part in. The next dance is a polka. Let s sit it out. Toby had to sit out the last half of the game because his knee hurt …   Словарь американских идиом

  • sit out — phr verb Sit out is used with these nouns as the object: ↑dance …   Collocations dictionary

  • sit out — transitive verb Date: 1578 to refrain from participating in < sat out every dance > …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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