sit down

sit down

1) садиться Why don't you sit yourself down beside me and talk to me? ≈ Почему бы тебе не сесть и не поговорить со мной?
2) разг. приземляться, делать посадку (о самолете)
3) мириться, терпеть (under) to sit down under insults ≈ сносить оскорбления Why should I sit down under her continued offensive remarks? ≈ Почему я должен сносить ее нескончаемые обидные замечания в свой адрес?
4) выступать против (предложения, идеи и т. п.) The whole committee sat down on the suggestion as being completely unsuitable. ≈ Весь комитет выступил против предложения, посчитав его абсолютно неприемлемым.
5) приниматься (за что-л.) Both sides are prepared to sit down to long talks if necessary. ≈ Обе стороны готовы, если потребуется, к длительным переговорам. садиться, усаживаться, занимать место (редкое) поселяться;
устраиваться усаживать - sit your guests down and offer them a drink усадите гостей и предложите им выпить - sit yourself down, I shan't keep you more than a minute присядьте, пожалуйста, я вас задержу всего на минуту (авиация) (разговорное) приземлиться (to) приниматься (за что-либо) - to * to one's work приниматься за работу (with) мириться (с чем-либо) (under) терпеть, выносить - to * under insults безропотно сносить оскорбления - not even he could * under that kind of provocation даже он не мог не реагировать на такое вызывающее поведение

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "sit down" в других словарях:

  • sit-down — ˈsit down adjective sit down protest/​strike a protest in which people sit down, especially to block a road or other public place, until their demands are listened to: • Workers at the country s second largest steel factory began a sit down… …   Financial and business terms

  • sit-down — sit down1 adj 1.) a sit down meal or restaurant is one in which you sit at a table and eat a formal meal ▪ a sit down meal for 20 people 2.) sit down strike/protest a protest in which people sit down, especially to block a road or other public… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Sit Down — Sit Down, Shut Up Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Sit Down, Shut Up Título Sit Down, Shut Up Género Animación / comedia Creado por Mitchell Hurwitz Reparto Will Arnett Jason Bateman Kristin C …   Wikipedia Español

  • sit-down — /sit down /, adj. 1. done or accomplished while sitting down: sit down meetings between the two party leaders. 2. (of a meal or food) served to or intended for persons seated at a table: a sit down dinner. n. 3. Informal. a period or instance of… …   Universalium

  • sit down — {v.} To sit on a seat or resting place. * /After gym class Jim was tired and was glad to sit down and rest./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • sit down — {v.} To sit on a seat or resting place. * /After gym class Jim was tired and was glad to sit down and rest./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • sit-down — sit ,down adjective 1. ) a sit down dinner, meal, etc. is served to people who are sitting down 2. ) a sit down STRIKE, protest, etc. is a protest in which people sit down in order to stop a business from operating until their DEMANDS are… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • sit-down — ☆ sit down [sit′doun΄ ] n. 1. a strike, usually illegal, in which the strikers stay inside a factory, etc., refusing to work or leave until agreement is reached: in full sit down strike 2. SIT IN 3. a meeting or conference adj. served to persons …   English World dictionary

  • sit-down — ► ADJECTIVE 1) (of a meal) eaten sitting at a table. 2) (of a protest) in which demonstrators occupy their workplace or sit down on the ground in a public place. ► NOUN 1) a period of sitting down. 2) a sit down protest …   English terms dictionary

  • sit-down — sit′ down adj. 1) cvb done or accomplished while sitting down 2) cvb (of a meal or food) served to or intended for persons seated at a table 3) gov sit down strike 4) gov sit in 5) cvb inf a period or instance of sitting, as to talk • Etymology:… …   From formal English to slang

  • sit-down — sit down·er; sit down; …   English syllables

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