- sister-german
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Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
sister german — sister born from the same parents … English contemporary dictionary
sister-german — | ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ noun (plural sisters german) Etymology: Middle English sister germain, participle translation of Middle French sœur germaine, from sœur sister + germaine, feminine of germain having the same parents more at german : a sister… … Useful english dictionary
sister-german — noun (plural sisters german) archaic a sister sharing both parents, as opposed to a half sister or stepsister … English new terms dictionary
sister — /ˈsɪstə / (say sistuh) noun 1. a daughter of the same parents (full sister or sister german). 2. a daughter of only one of one s parents (half sister). 3. a female member of one s family in a similar role to a sister, but not blood related, such… …
Sister — n. 1 a woman or girl in relation to sons and other daughters of her parents. 2 a (often as a form of address) a close female friend or associate. b a female fellow member of a trade union, class, sect, or the human race. 3 a senior female nurse.… … Useful english dictionary
sister — n. 1 a woman or girl in relation to sons and other daughters of her parents. 2 a (often as a form of address) a close female friend or associate. b a female fellow member of a trade union, class, sect, or the human race. 3 a senior female nurse.… … Useful english dictionary
sister — Synonyms and related words: Greek, LPN, RN, abbess, affiliate, ally, alter ego, analogon, analogue, associate, aunt, auntie, belonger, blood brother, brethren, brother, bub, bubba, bud, buddy, canoness, card carrier, card carrying member,… … Moby Thesaurus
Sister Mary Prema — (née Mechthild Pierick on May 13, 1953) is the Superior General of the Missionaries of Charity of Calcutta, the religious order founded by Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta (Kolkata). She succeeded Sister Nirmala who retired on March 25, 2009.… … Wikipedia
German immigration to Mexico — German Mexican Deutsch Mexikanisch Germano mexicano Total population 500,000 Regions with significant populations Mexico City, Chihuahua, Aguascalientes, Puebla, Zacatecas, Durango, Nuevo León, Jalisco, Sinaloa, Chiapas … Wikipedia
Sister Nirmala — (born 1934) succeeded Mother Teresa as Superior General of the Missionaries of Charity in March 1997.[1][2] She was born Nirmala Joshi into a … Wikipedia
German federal election, 2005 — German federal elections took place on September 18, 2005 to elect the members of the 16th German Bundestag, the federal parliament of Germany. They became necessary after a motion of confidence in Chancellor Gerhard Schröder failed on July 1.… … Wikipedia