Смотреть что такое "sippet" в других словарях:
Sippet — Sip pet, n. [See {Sip}, {Sop}.] A small sop; a small, thin piece of toasted bread soaked in milk, broth, or the like; a small piece of toasted or fried bread cut into some special shape and used for garnishing. [1913 Webster] Your sweet sippets… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
sippet — [sip′it] n. [prob. dim. of SOP] 1. a small piece of toasted or fried bread used as a garnish, dipped in gravy, etc. 2. any small piece; fragment … English World dictionary
sippet — noun Etymology: alteration of sop Date: 1530 chiefly British a small bit of toast or fried bread especially for garnishing … New Collegiate Dictionary
sippet — /sip it/, n. 1. a small bit; fragment. 2. a small piece of bread or the like for dipping in liquid food, as in gravy or milk; a small sop. 3. a crouton. [1520 30; SIP + ET] * * * … Universalium
sippet — noun A small piece of something, especially a piece of toast or fried bean eaten with soup or gravy … Wiktionary
sippet — sip·pet || sɪpɪt n. (British) crouton, small cube of dried bread used in soups and salads; small piece, bit … English contemporary dictionary
sippet — noun archaic a small piece of bread or toast, used to dip into soup or sauce. Origin C16: appar. a dimin. of sop … English new terms dictionary
sippet — sip·pet … English syllables
sippet — /ˈsɪpət / (say sipuht) noun → crouton. {diminutive of sop} …
sippet — n. small piece of something, especially crouton or piece of bread to dip in gravy … Dictionary of difficult words
sippet — sip|pet adj., sippede (snerpet; meget pertentlig) … Dansk ordbog