sintering equation

sintering equation
уравнение спекания

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "sintering equation" в других словарях:

  • Ceramic engineering — Simulation of the outside of the Space Shuttle as it heats up to over 1,500 °C (2,730 °F) during re entry into the Earth s atmosphere Ceramic engineering is the science and technology of creating objects from inorganic, non metallic… …   Wikipedia

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  • Hillar Rootare — Hillar M. Rootare, born Tallinn, Estonia, 1928, is a physical chemist and materials scientist best known for his work in the development of mercury porosimetry, high pressure liquid chromatography, and formulation of the Rootare Prenzlow Equation …   Wikipedia

  • Ceramic materials — Ceramic Si3N4 bearing parts Ceramic materials are inorganic, non metallic materials and things made from them. They may be crystalline or partly crystalline. They are formed by the action of heat and subsequent cooling.[1] Clay was one of the… …   Wikipedia

  • Colloidal crystal — A colloidal crystal is an ordered array of colloid particles, analogous to a standard crystal whose repeating subunits are atoms or molecules.[1] A natural example of this phenomenon can be found in the gem opal, where spheres of silica assume a… …   Wikipedia

  • Alkoxide — The structure of a typical alkoxide group. An alkoxide is the conjugate base of an alcohol and therefore consists of an organic group bonded to a negatively charged oxygen atom. They can be written as RO−, where R is the organic substituent.… …   Wikipedia

  • Chemical reactor — In chemical engineering, chemical reactors are vessels designed to contain chemical reactions. The design of a chemical reactor deals with multiple aspects of chemical engineering. Chemical engineers design reactors to maximize net present value… …   Wikipedia

  • Raney nickel — (pronEng|ˈreɪniː ˈnɪkəl) is a solid catalyst composed of fine grains of a nickel aluminium alloy, used in many industrial processes. It was developed in 1926 by American engineer Murray RaneyRaney, Murray (1927). [http://www.fischer… …   Wikipedia

  • In-situ resource utilization — ISRU Reverse Water Gas Shift Testbed (NASA KSC) In space exploration, in situ resource utilization (ISRU) describes the proposed use of resources found or manufactured on other astronomical objects (the Moon, Mars, Asteroids, etc.) to further the …   Wikipedia

  • magnet — /mag nit/, n. 1. a body, as a piece of iron or steel, that possesses the property of attracting certain substances, as iron. 2. a lodestone. 3. a thing or person that attracts: The park was a magnet for pickpockets and muggers. [1400 50; late ME… …   Universalium

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