sink rate
Смотреть что такое "sink rate" в других словарях:
sink rate — the speed at which a fly line sinks. There are 6 or more different rates for fly lines from very slow to extremely fast … Dictionary of ichthyology
Rate of climb — An F 15 Eagle climbing and releasing flares. In aeronautics, the rate of climb (RoC) is an aircraft s vertical speed the rate of change in altitude. In most ICAO member countries (even in otherwise metric countries), this is usually expressed in… … Wikipedia
Sink estate — A sink estate is a British council housing estate characterised by high levels of economic and social deprivation. Such estates are not always high crime areas although there is a strong correlation between crime rates and sink estates in large… … Wikipedia
Vmin sink — The speed for gliding power off at which the sink rate is minimum … Aviation dictionary
Heat sink — A heat sink (or heatsink) is an environment or object that absorbs and dissipates heat from another object using thermal contact (either direct or radiant). Heat sinks are used in a wide range of applications wherever efficient heat dissipation… … Wikipedia
Carbon sink — A carbon sink is reservoir of carbon that accumulates and stores carbon for an indefinite period. The main natural sinks are: # Absorption of carbon dioxide by the oceans # Photosynthesis by plants and algae The process by which carbon sinks… … Wikipedia
Source-sink dynamics — is a theoretical model used by ecologists to describe how variation in habitat quality may affect the population growth or decline of organisms. Since quality is likely to vary among patches of habitat, it is important to consider how a low… … Wikipedia
Tendency of the rate of profit to fall — The tendency of the rate of profit to fall (TRPF) is a hypothesis in economics and political economy, most famously expounded by Karl Marx in chapter 13 of Das Kapital Vol. 3. It was generally accepted in the 19th century. Economists as diverse… … Wikipedia
Heat capacity rate — The heat capacity rate is heat transfer terminology used in thermodynamics and different forms of engineering denoting the ability of a fluid to resist change in temperature as heat transfer occurs. It is typically denoted as C, listed from… … Wikipedia
Sedimentation rate — A blood test that detects and monitors inflammation in the body. It measures the rate at which red blood cells (RBCs) in a test tube separate from blood serum over time, becoming sediment in the bottom of the test tube. The sedimentation rate… … Medical dictionary
Effective data transfer rate — In telecommunication, effective data transfer rate is the average number of units of data, such as bits, characters, blocks, or frames, transferred per unit time from a source and accepted as valid by a sink. Note: The effective data transfer… … Wikipedia