sink head
Смотреть что такое "sink head" в других словарях:
sink-head — Смотри Надставка прибыльная … Энциклопедический словарь по металлургии
head — [hed] n. [ME hede, heved < OE heafod, akin to Ger haupt (OHG houbit, Goth haubith) < IE base * kaput (orig. prob. cup shaped) > L caput: merged in Gmc with word akin to OHG hūba, a cap, crest (Ger haube) < IE base * keu , to bend,… … English World dictionary
sink — Synonyms and related words: Babylon, Gomorrah, KO, Sodom, abate, ablate, advance, age, alveolation, alveolus, antrum, aquamanile, armpit, ascend, automatic dishwasher, back, back up, ball up, bankrupt, baptize, basin, bate, bath, bathtub, be… … Moby Thesaurus
sink — 1 past tense sank, or sunk verb 1 IN WATER a) (I) to go down below the surface of water, mud etc: The Titanic sank after hitting an iceberg. | If you put it in water, will it float or sink? | The heavy guns sank up to their barrels in the mud. b) … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
sink — sinkable, adj. sinklike, adj. /singk/, v., sank or, often, sunk; sunk or sunken; sinking; n. v.i. 1. to displace part of the volume of a supporting substance or object and become totally or partially submerged or enveloped; fall or descend into… … Universalium
head — Synonyms and related words: A per se, Adamite, Big Brother, LSD user, MD, Vernunft, WC, abbreviation, abbreviature, abrege, abridgment, abstract, ace, acidhead, acknowledgments, acmatic, addict, address, administer, administrate, administrator,… … Moby Thesaurus
go by the head — (nautical) To sink head foremost • • • Main Entry: ↑head … Useful english dictionary
coun|ter|sink — «KOWN tuhr SIHNGK», verb, sunk « SUHNGK», sink|ing, noun. –v.t. 1. to enlarge the upper part of (a hole) to make room for the head of a screw or bolt. 2. to sink the head of (a screw or bolt) into such a hole so that it is even with or below the… … Useful english dictionary
Gold sink — is an economic process by which a video game s ingame currency ( gold ), or any item that can be valued against it, is removed. Most commonly the genres are role playing game or massively multiplayer online game. The term is comparable to… … Wikipedia
Oliver Cromwell's head — A drawing of Oliver Cromwell s head on a spike from the late 18th century Following the death of Oliver Cromwell on 3 September 1658, he was given a public funeral at Westminster Abbey, equal to those of monarchs before him. After successfully… … Wikipedia
Norah Head Light — Norah Head Light, 2009 … Wikipedia