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Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Sinisterly — Sin is*ter*ly, adv. In a sinister manner. Wood. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
sinisterly — adverb Etymology: Middle English sinistrely, from sinistre sinister + ly : in a sinister manner rolled his yellow eyes sinisterly Earle Birney a sinisterly mature concealment of evil R.B.Heilman its water … was sinisterly opaque Anthony West … Useful english dictionary
sinisterly — sinister ► ADJECTIVE 1) suggestive of evil or harm. 2) archaic & Heraldry on or towards the left hand side and the observer s right of a coat of arms. DERIVATIVES sinisterly adverb. ORIGIN Latin, left … English terms dictionary
sinisterly — adverb see sinister … New Collegiate Dictionary
sinisterly — See sinister. * * * … Universalium
sinisterly — adverb In a sinister manner … Wiktionary
sinisterly — adv. ominously, threateningly; wickedly, evilly, maliciously … English contemporary dictionary
sinisterly — sin·is·ter·ly … English syllables
sinister — sinisterly, adv. sinisterness, n. /sin euh steuhr/, adj. 1. threatening or portending evil, harm, or trouble; ominous: a sinister remark. 2. bad, evil, base, or wicked; fell: his sinister purposes. 3. unfortunate; disastrous; unfavorable: a… … Universalium
sinister — adjective Etymology: Middle English sinistre, from Anglo French senestre on the left, from Latin sinistr , sinister on the left side, unlucky, inauspicious Date: 15th century 1. archaic unfavorable, unlucky 2. archaic fraudulent 3. singularly… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Sandman — The Sandman is a fictional character, a popular figure in Western folklore who brings good sleep and dreams by sprinkling magical sand onto the eyes of children. Representation in traditional folkloreTraditionally he is a character in many… … Wikipedia