singular thorn
Смотреть что такое "singular thorn" в других словарях:
thorn */ — UK [θɔː(r)n] / US [θɔrn] noun [countable] Word forms thorn : singular thorn plural thorns 1) a sharp point that sticks out from the stem of a plant 2) a bush or tree with a lot of thorns on it • a thorn in someone s side/flesh a person or thing… … English dictionary
Middle English — Spoken in England, south east Scotland and in Scottish burghs, to some extent in Ireland Extinct developed into Early Modern English, Scots and Yola in Wexford by the 16th century Language family … Wikipedia
Old English — For other uses, see Old English (disambiguation). Old English Ænglisc, Anglisc, Englisc Spoken in England (except the extreme southwest and northwest), parts of modern Scotland south east of the Forth, and the eastern fringes of modern Wales … Wikipedia
Ye (pronoun) — Ye (: IPA|/jiː/ or, traditionally IPA|/ðiː/) was the second person, plural, personal pronoun (Nominative) in Old English as ge . In Middle English and Early Modern English it was also used to direct an equal or superior person. It is also common… … Wikipedia
ye — Ⅰ. ye1 (thē, yē) Archaic ▸ The. ╂ [Alteration of Middle English þe, the (from the use of the letter y to represent the letter thorn (þ) in early English printing).] Usage Note: In an attempt to seem quaint or old fashioned, many store… … Word Histories
History of the English language — English is a West Germanic language that originated from the Anglo Frisian dialects brought to Britain by Germanic invaders from various parts of what is now northwest Germany and the Netherlands. Initially, Old English was a diverse group of… … Wikipedia
GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEY — Names The name Ereẓ Israel (the Land of Israel) designates the land which, according to the Bible was promised as an inheritance to the Israelite tribes. In the course of time it came to be regarded first by the Jews and then also by the… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Idioma anglosajón — Inglés antiguo / Anglosajón Ænglisc Hablado en La Inglaterra actual (excepto los extremos sudoccidental y noroccidental), partes de la Escocia actual al sur del río Forth y zonas orientales de Gales. Hablantes Lengua muerta (†) Familia… … Wikipedia Español
Icelandic language — Icelandic íslenska Pronunciation [is(t)lɛnska] Spoken in Iceland, Denmark,[citation need … Wikipedia
Altenglisch — Altenglisch/Angelsächsisch Englisc Zeitraum ca. 450 n. Chr.–1150 n. Chr. Ehemals gesprochen in Teile des heutigen Englands und Südschottlands Linguistische Klassifikation Indogermanische Sprachen Germanische Sprachen Westgermanische Sprachen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Angelsächsische Sprache — Altenglisch/Angelsächsisch Englisc Zeitraum ca. 450 n. Chr.–1150 n. Chr. Ehemals gesprochen in Teile des heutigen Englands und Südschottlands Linguistische Klassifikation Indogermanische Sprachen Germanische Sprachen Westgermanische Sprachen… … Deutsch Wikipedia