Смотреть что такое "single-stream" в других словарях:
Single-stream recycling — Single stream (also known as “fully commingled”) recycling refers to a system in which all paper fibers and containers are mixed together in a collection truck, instead of being sorted into separate commodities (newspaper, cardboard, plastic,… … Wikipedia
Stream terrace — Stream terraces are relict features, such as floodplains, from periods when a stream was flowing at a higher elevation and has downcut to a lower elevation. Stream terraces often appear as plateaus on existing valley walls and indicate earlier… … Wikipedia
Stream thrust averaging — is a process used to convert 3 dimensional flow through a duct into 1 dimensional uniform flow. It makes the assumptions that the flow is mixed adiabatically and without friction. However, due to the mixing process, there is a net increase in the … Wikipedia
Stream cipher — The operation of the keystream generator in A5/1, a LFSR based stream cipher used to encrypt mobile phone conversations. In cryptography, a stream cipher is a symmetric key cipher where plaintext digits are combined with a pseudorandom cipher… … Wikipedia
Stream Control Transmission Protocol — In computer networking, the Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) is a Transport Layer protocol, serving in a similar role as the popular protocols TCP and UDP. Indeed, it provides some of the same service features of both, ensuring… … Wikipedia
Stream Processors, Inc — Infobox Company company name = Stream Processors Incorporated (SPI) company company type=Private foundation = 2004 location=455 DeGuigne Drive Sunnyvale, California flagicon|USA USA key people =Bill Dally, Co Founder and Chairman Chip Stearns,… … Wikipedia
Single-frequency network — For other uses, see SFN (disambiguation). A single frequency network or SFN is a broadcast network where several transmitters simultaneously send the same signal over the same frequency channel. Contents 1 Overview 2 OFDM and COFDM 3 DVB T SFN … Wikipedia
Stream — For other uses, see Stream (disambiguation). Rivulet redirects here. For the moth, see Rivulet (moth). Butchers Creek, Omeo, Victoria, Australia. A stream is a body of water with a current, confined within a bed and stream banks. Depending on i … Wikipedia
Single Instruction Stream, Single Data Stream — Flynnsche Klassifikation Single Instruction Multiple Instruction Single Data SISD MISD Multiple Data SIMD MIMD Die Flynnsche Klassifikation [1] … Deutsch Wikipedia
Stream X-Machine — The Stream X machine (SXM) is a model of computation introduced by Gilbert Laycock in his 1993 PhD thesis, The Theory and Practice of Specification Based Software Testing .Gilbert Laycock (1993) The Theory and Practice of Specification Based… … Wikipedia
Stream (computing) — In computing, the term stream is used in a number of ways, in all cases referring to a succession of data elements made available over time.*On Unix and related systems based on the C programming language, a stream is a source or sink of data,… … Wikipedia