Смотреть что такое "single-spore" в других словарях:
Spore — For other uses, see Spore (disambiguation). Spores produced in a sporic life cycle. In biology, a spore is a reproductive structure that is adapted for dispersal and surviving for extended periods of time in unfavorable conditions. Spores form… … Wikipedia
Spore (2008 video game) — Spore Spore box art (2008) Developer(s) Maxis Publisher(s) Electronic Arts … Wikipedia
spore — [spôr, spōr] n. [ModL spora < Gr, a sowing, seed, akin to speirein, to sow < IE base * (s)p(h)er , to strew, sow > SPREAD, SPROUT] 1. Biol. any of various small reproductive bodies, usually consisting of a single cell, produced by… … English World dictionary
spore — ► NOUN Biology ▪ a minute, typically single celled, reproductive unit characteristic of lower plants, fungi, and protozoans. ORIGIN Greek spora sowing, seed … English terms dictionary
Spore Origins — Infobox VG title = Spore Origins developer = Babaroga, Tricky Software publisher = Electronic Arts designer = Will Wright genre = Arcade game modes = Single player, multiplayer release = iPod: August 25, 2008cite… … Wikipedia
Spore Creatures — Infobox VG title = Spore Creatures developer = Foundation 9 publisher = Electronic Arts designer = Will Wright released = vgrelease|Europe|EU|September 5 2008cite web| last = Bramwell| first = Tom| title = Spore release date announced| publisher … Wikipedia
Spore (1991 video game) — Infobox VG width= title= Spore caption= developer= Mike Snyder publisher= Flogsoli Productions distributor= designer= series= engine= version= released= vgrelease|NA=vgy|1991 genre= Arcade game / text adventure game modes= Single player ratings=… … Wikipedia
Spore (1987 video game) — Infobox VG width= title= Spore caption= developer= Jim Baguley publisher= Mastertronic distributor= designer= series= engine= version= released= vgrelease|NA=vgy|1987 genre= Maze game modes= Single player ratings= vgratings|ESRB=Everyone… … Wikipedia
spore — sporal, adj. sporoid, adj. /spawr, spohr/, n., v., spored, sporing. n. 1. Biol. a walled, single to many celled, reproductive body of an organism, capable of giving rise to a new individual either directly or indirectly. 2. a germ, germ cell,… … Universalium
spore — 1. noun /spɔː,spɔːɹ,spoʊɹ/ a) A reproductive particle, usually a single cell, released by a fungus, alga, or plant that may germinate into another. b) A thick … Wiktionary
spore — noun 1》 Biology a minute, typically single celled, reproductive unit characteristic of lower plants, fungi, and protozoans, capable of giving rise to a new individual without sexual fusion. 2》 Microbiology (in bacteria) a rounded resistant form… … English new terms dictionary