
одностенный - single-shell cylinder

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "single-shell" в других словарях:

  • single shell — noun a shell for a single oarsman • Syn: ↑racing skiff • Hypernyms: ↑shell, ↑racing shell …   Useful english dictionary

  • Shell dwellers — The terms shell dwellers or shelldwellers, shell breeding, or ostracophil are descriptive terms for cichlid fish that use the empty shells of aquatic snails as sites for breeding and shelter. The terms have no taxonomic basis, although most shell …   Wikipedia

  • Shell sort — is a sorting algorithm that is a generalization of insertion sort, with two observations: *insertion sort is efficient if the input is almost sorted , and *insertion sort is typically inefficient because it moves values just one position at a… …   Wikipedia

  • Shell Rotella T — is a line of heavy duty engine lubrication products produced by Shell Oil Company. The line includes engine oils, gear oils and coolants. The oil carries both the American Petroleum Institute (API) diesel C rating as well as the API gasoline… …   Wikipedia

  • Single UNIX Specification — (SUS) est un nom désignant un ensemble de spécifications permettant de certifier un système d exploitation comme étant un Unix. Il est basé sur la norme POSIX, à laquelle il ajoute quelques éléments. Le SUS est développé et maintenu par l Austin… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Single-tension — is one of several ways to apply the necessary tension to drum heads. Single tension systems largely replaced the ancient rope tension methods in the late 19th Century and are still used today in lower priced drums for student use. In this system …   Wikipedia

  • Shell stitch — A shell stitch (or fan stitch ) is a crochet motif often used as a border around other patterns or in staggered rows to create a distinctive fabric pattern. Shell stitches take the shape of arcs and semicircles, hence the name. [Stoller, p. 57.]… …   Wikipedia

  • Shell and tube heat exchanger — A shell and tube heat exchanger is a class of heat exchanger designs. [ cite book|author=Sadik Kakaç and Hongtan Liu|title=Heat Exchangers: Selection, Rating and Thermal Design|edition=2nd Edition|publisher=CRC Press|year=2002|id=ISBN 0849309026] …   Wikipedia

  • Single Unix Specification — Para otros usos del término SUS ,, véase SUS(desambiguación). Single Unix Specification (Especificación Única de Unix), es el nombre colectivo de una familia de estándares para sistemas operativos que establecen los requisitos para que un sistema …   Wikipedia Español

  • Single UNIX Specification — The Single UNIX Specification (SUS) is the collective name of a family of standards for computer operating systems to qualify for the name Unix . The SUS is developed and maintained by the Austin Group, based on earlier work by the IEEE and The… …   Wikipedia

  • shell collecting — ▪ hobby       practice of finding and usually identifying the shells of mollusks, a popular avocation, or hobby, in many parts of the world. These shells, because of their bright colours, rich variety of shapes and designs, and abundance along… …   Universalium

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