Смотреть что такое "single-index" в других словарях:
Single-Index-Modell — Das Single Index Modell (SIM) ist eine Theorie der optimalen Portfolio Selection. Ziel des Single Index Modells ist die Vereinfachung hin zu nur einem Einflussfaktor. Damit soll ein strukturelles Gebilde geschaffen werden, das die zufälligen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Single-index model — The single index model (SIM) is an asset pricing model commonly used in the finance industry to measure risk and return of a stock. Mathematically the SIM is expressed as:: rit rf = ai + Bi(rmt rf) + Eit ,: R i = alpha i + eta iR m,where:: rit − … Wikipedia
Single index model — A model of stock returns that decomposes influences on returns into a systematic factor, as measured by the return on the broad market index, and firm specific factors. The New York Times Financial Glossary … Financial and business terms
single-index model — A model of stock returns that decomposes influences on returns into a systematic factor, as measured by the return on the broad market index, and firm specific factors . Related: market model … Financial and business terms
Single-index model — Related: market model … Financial and business terms
Index notation — is used in mathematics to refer to the elements of matrices or the components of a vector. The formalism of how indices are used varies according to the discipline. In particular, there are different methods for referring to the elements of a… … Wikipedia
single — index exclusive (singular), express, individual, particular (individual), particular (specific) … Law dictionary
index — A quantitative social, economic, or political measure, often a weighted combination of a number of selected individual indicators for the domain of interest. One example is the Federal Bureau of Investigation s uniform crime index for the USA.… … Dictionary of sociology
Index of Leading Indicators — The Index of Leading Indicators is an American economic index intended to estimate future economic activity. It is calculated by The Conference Board, a non governmental organization, which determines the value of the index from the values of ten … Wikipedia
Single Molecule Real Time Sequencing — (also known as SMRTTM) is a parallelized single molecule DNA sequencing by synthesis developed by [ Pacific BiosciencesTM] . Pacific Biosciences is a company based in Menlo Park, California, which was… … Wikipedia
Single-sex education — (SSE) is the practice of conducting education where male and female students attend separate classes or in separate buildings or schools. The practice was predominant before the mid twentieth century, particularly in secondary education and… … Wikipedia