single life annuity — An annuity covering one person. A straight life annuity provides payments until death, while a life annuity with a guaranteed period provides payments until death or continues payments to a beneficiary for a guaranteed term, such as ten years.… … Financial and business terms
single-life annuity — /ˌsɪŋg(ə)l laɪf ə nju:ɪti/ noun an annuity which is paid only to one beneficiary, and stops when he or she dies (as opposed to a ‘joint life annuity’) … Dictionary of banking and finance
single life annuity — noun see life annuity … Useful english dictionary
life annuity — noun : an annuity payable during the lifetime of the annuitant called also single life annuity; compare annuity, joint life annuity, joint life and survivor annuity * * * Insurance. any annuity that is contingent upon the survival of the… … Useful english dictionary
Life annuity — The life annuity is a financial contract according to which a seller (issuer) typically a financial institution such as a life insurance company makes a series of payments in the future to the buyer (annuitant) in exchange for the immediate… … Wikipedia
life annuity — Insurance. any annuity that is contingent upon the survival of the annuitant or annuitants, esp. an annuity that terminates with the death of a single annuitant. * * * … Universalium
single-life pension — A pension or annuity that is paid for the lifetime of the beneficiary only, rather than for the lifetime of a surviving spouse. Compare joint life and last survivor annuities … Big dictionary of business and management
Straight Life Annuity — An insurance product that makes periodic payments to the annuitant until his or her death, at which point the payments stop completely. These products do not allow annuitants to designate a beneficiary. Straight life annuities may be bought over… … Investment dictionary
purchased life annuity — An annuity in which a single premium purchases an income to be paid from a specified future date for the rest of the policyholder s life … Big dictionary of business and management
Annuity (European financial arrangements) — An annuity can be defined as a contract which provides an income stream in return for an initial payment.Immediate annuityAn immediate annuity is an annuity for which the income stream begins at a time after the initial payment which is less than … Wikipedia
annuity — an·nu·ity /ə nü ə tē, nyü / n pl ities [Medieval Latin annuitas, from Latin annuus yearly] 1: an amount payable at regular intervals (as yearly or quarterly) for a certain or uncertain period 2: the grant of or the right to receive an annuity his … Law dictionary