single ionization
Смотреть что такое "single ionization" в других словарях:
single ionization — vienkartinis jonizavimas statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. single ionization vok. Einfachionisation, f rus. однократная ионизация, f pranc. ionisation unique, f … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
single ionization — vienkartinė jonizacija statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. single ionization vok. einfache Ionisation, n rus. однократная ионизация, f pranc. ionisation unique, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
ionization chamber — Physics. an apparatus for detecting and analyzing ionizing radiation, consisting of a vessel filled with a gas at normal or lower than normal pressure and fitted with two electrodes such that the current between the electrodes is a function of… … Universalium
Single-Photon Avalanche Diode — In optoelectronics the term Single Photon Avalanche Diode (SPAD)(also know as a Geiger mode APD or G APD) identifies a class of solid state photodetectors based on a reverse biased p n junction in which a photo generated carrier can trigger an… … Wikipedia
Resonance enhanced multiphoton ionization — Resonance Enhanced Multi Photon Ionization (REMPI) is a technique applied to the spectroscopy of atoms and small molecules. In practice, a tunable laser can be used to access an excited intermediate state. The selection rules associated with a… … Wikipedia
Electrospray ionization — Electrospray (nanoSpray) ionization source Electrospray ionization (ESI) is a technique used in mass spectrometry to produce ions. It is especially useful in producing ions from macromolecules because it overcomes the propensity of these… … Wikipedia
Rydberg Ionization Spectroscopy — Rydberg statesAtoms and molecules have ionization energy thresholds associated with the energy required to remove an electron from the ionic core. (The Rydberg formula describes the energy level series of a Rydberg atom.) Rydberg series describe… … Wikipedia
Saha ionization equation — The Saha ionization equation, also known as the Saha Langmuir equation, was developed by the Indian astrophysicist Megh Nad Saha in 1920, and later (1923) by Irving Langmuir. One of the important applications of the equation was in explaining the … Wikipedia
International Muon Ionization Cooling Experiment — The International Muon Ionization Cooling Experiment (or MICE) is a high energy physics experiment dedicated to observing ionization cooling of muons for the first time. This is a process where by the beam emittance of a beam is reduced in order… … Wikipedia
avalanche ionization — the multiplicative process in which a single charged particle, accelerated by a strong electric field, produces additional charged particles through collision with neutral gas molecules; called also Townsend i … Medical dictionary
Einfachionisation — vienkartinis jonizavimas statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. single ionization vok. Einfachionisation, f rus. однократная ионизация, f pranc. ionisation unique, f … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas