Смотреть что такое "sine-amplitude" в других словарях:
Amplitude — is the magnitude of change in the oscillating variable, with each oscillation, within an oscillating system. For instance, sound waves are oscillations in atmospheric pressure and their amplitudes are proportional to the change in pressure during … Wikipedia
Amplitude distortion — is distortion occurring in a system, subsystem, or device when the output amplitude is not a linear function of the input amplitude under specified conditions. Generally, output is a linear function of input only for a fixed portion of the… … Wikipedia
Sine wave — Sinusoid redirects here. For the blood vessel, see Sinusoid (blood vessel). The graphs of the sine and cosine functions are sinusoids of different phases. The sine wave or sinusoid is a mathematical function that describes a smooth repetitive… … Wikipedia
Amplitude modulation — Passband modulation v · d · e Analog modulation AM · … Wikipedia
sine wave — noun a wave whose waveform resembles a sine curve • Hypernyms: ↑wave, ↑undulation * * * noun : a fundamental form of wave (as in one of the sound waves giving rise to a pure tone or in a wave of alternating current) that represents periodic… … Useful english dictionary
sine curve — noun the curve of y=sin x • Syn: ↑sinusoid • Derivationally related forms: ↑sinusoidal (for: ↑sinusoid) • Hypernyms: ↑wave, ↑undulation … Useful english dictionary
sine wave — noun Date: 1893 a waveform that represents periodic oscillations in which the amplitude of displacement at each point is proportional to the sine of the phase angle of the displacement and that is visualized as a sine curve ; sine curve; also a… … New Collegiate Dictionary
sine — n. Math. 1 the trigonometric function that is equal to the ratio of the side opposite a given angle (in a right angled triangle) to the hypotenuse. 2 a function of the line drawn from one end of an arc perpendicularly to the radius through the… … Useful english dictionary
sine curve — (also sine wave) noun a curve representing periodic oscillations of constant amplitude as given by a sine function … English new terms dictionary
Amplitude modulation (AM) — A&V A method of imposing information on a carrier signal, such as a sine wave, by varying its amplitude … Audio and video glossary
amplitude — [1] A confusing term occasionally used for the argument of a complex number. It would more naturally be taken to mean the modulus, and is best avoided. [2] The maximum value of a periodically varying quantity during a cycle, e.g., the maximum… … Dictionary of automotive terms