simultaneous congruences

simultaneous congruences
мат. система сравнений

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "simultaneous congruences" в других словарях:

  • Simultaneous equations — In mathematics simultaneous equations are a set of equations containing multiple variables. This set is often referred to as a system of equations. To solve simultaneous equations, the solver needs to use the provided equations to find the exact… …   Wikipedia

  • Chinese remainder theorem — The Chinese remainder theorem is a result about congruences in number theory and its generalizations in abstract algebra. In its most basic form it concerned with determining n, given the remainders generated by division of n by several numbers.… …   Wikipedia

  • Gödel numbering for sequences — A Gödel numbering for sequences provides us an effective way to represent each finite sequence of natural numbers as a single natural number. Of course, the embedding is surely possible set theoretically, but the emphasis is on the effectiveness… …   Wikipedia

  • History of algebra — Elementary algebra is the branch of mathematics that deals with solving for the operands of arithmetic equations. Modern or abstract algebra has its origins as an abstraction of elementary algebra. Historians know that the earliest mathematical… …   Wikipedia

  • Chinese mathematics — Mathematics in China emerged independently by the 11th century BC.[1] The Chinese independently developed very large and negative numbers, decimals, a place value decimal system, a binary system, algebra, geometry, and trigonometry. Many[who?]… …   Wikipedia

  • Method of successive substitution — In modular arithmetic, the method of successive substitution is a method of solving problems of simultaneous congruences by using the definition of the congruence equation. It is commonly applied in cases where the conditions of the Chinese… …   Wikipedia

  • Number theory — A Lehmer sieve an analog computer once used for finding primes and solving simple diophantine equations. Number theory is a branch of pure mathematics devoted primarily to the study of the integers. Number theorists study prime numbers (the… …   Wikipedia

  • modular arithmetic — arithmetic in which numbers that are congruent modulo a given number are treated as the same. Cf. congruence (def. 2), modulo, modulus (def. 2b). [1955 60] * * * sometimes referred to as  modulus arithmetic  or  clock arithmetic        in its… …   Universalium

  • Congruence lattice problem — In mathematics, the congruence lattice problem asks whether every algebraic distributive lattice is isomorphic to the congruence lattice of some other lattice. The problem was posed by Robert P. Dilworth, and for many years it was one of the most …   Wikipedia

  • Qin Jiushao — born с 1202, Puzhou, China died с 1261, Meizhou Chinese mathematician who developed a method of solving simultaneous linear congruences. In 1219 he joined the army as captain of a territorial volunteer unit and helped quash a local rebellion. In… …   Universalium

  • List of NP-complete problems — Here are some of the more commonly known problems that are NP complete when expressed as decision problems. This list is in no way comprehensive (there are more than 3000 known NP complete problems). Most of the problems in this list are taken… …   Wikipedia

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