simply invariant

simply invariant
мат. просто инвариантный

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "simply invariant" в других словарях:

  • Simply connected at infinity — In topology, a branch of mathematics, a topological space X is said to be simply connected at infinity if for all compact subsets C of X , there is a compact set D in X containing C so that the induced map: pi 1(X D) o pi 1(X C),is trivial.… …   Wikipedia

  • Yamabe invariant — In mathematics, in the field of differential geometry, the Yamabe invariant (also referred to as the sigma constant) is a real number invariant associated to a smooth manifold that is preserved under diffeomorphisms. It was first written down… …   Wikipedia

  • Kervaire invariant — In mathematics, the Kervaire invariant, named for Michel Kervaire, is defined in geometric topology. It is an invariant of 4 n + 2 dimensional almost parallelizable smooth manifolds M , taking values in the 2 element group :Z/2Z. It is equal to… …   Wikipedia

  • Seiberg–Witten invariant — In mathematics, Seiberg–Witten invariants are invariants of compact smooth 4 manifolds introduced by harvtxt|Witten|1994, using the Seiberg Witten theory studied by harvs|txt=yes|last=Seiberg|last2=Witten|year1=1994a|year2=1994b during their… …   Wikipedia

  • Gromov–Witten invariant — In mathematics, specifically in symplectic topology and algebraic geometry, Gromov–Witten (GW) invariants are rational numbers that, in certain situations, count pseudoholomorphic curves meeting prescribed conditions in a given symplectic… …   Wikipedia

  • Loop invariant — In computer science, a loop invariant is an invariant used to prove properties of loops.Specifically in Floyd Hoare logic, the partial correctness of a while loop is governed by the following rule of inference::frac{{Cland I};mathrm{body};{I… …   Wikipedia

  • Casimir invariant — In mathematics, a Casimir invariant or Casimir operator is a distinguished element of the centre of the universal enveloping algebra of a Lie algebra. A prototypical example is the squared angular momentum operator, which is a Casimir invariant… …   Wikipedia

  • De Rham invariant — In geometric topology, the de Rham invariant is a mod 2 invariant of a (4k+1) dimensional manifold, that is, an element of – either 0 or 1. It can be thought of as the simply connected symmetric L group L4k + 1, and thus analogous to the other… …   Wikipedia

  • Normal invariant — In mathematics, a normal map is a concept in geometric topology due to William Browder which is of fundamental importance in surgery theory. Given a Poincaré complex X, a normal map on X endows the space, roughly speaking, with some of the… …   Wikipedia

  • Equivalence class — This article is about equivalency in mathematics; for equivalency in music see equivalence class (music). In mathematics, given a set X and an equivalence relation on X, the equivalence class of an element a in X is the subset of all elements in… …   Wikipedia

  • Jamaican (language) — Infobox Language name=Jamaican Patois (Jamaican Creole) states=Jamaica (also spoken by people of the Jamaican diaspora) speakers= Over 4 million familycolor=Creole fam1=Creole language fam2=English Creole fam3=Atlantic fam4=Western iso2= none… …   Wikipedia

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