- simplicial module
- мат. симплициальный модуль
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Hochschild homology — In mathematics, Hochschild homology is a homology theory for associative algebras over rings. There is also a theory for Hochschild homology of certain functors. Definition of Hochschild homology of algebras Let k be a ring, A an associative k… … Wikipedia
TOPOLOGIE - Topologie algébrique — Inventée au début du XXe siècle pour résoudre des problèmes géométriques, la topologie algébrique connut un grand développement grâce à l’introduction de constructions algébriques de plus en plus abstraites. Pour clarifier l’exposé, on a… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Homology (mathematics) — In mathematics (especially algebraic topology and abstract algebra), homology (in Greek ὁμός homos identical ) is a certain general procedure to associate a sequence of abelian groups or modules with a given mathematical object such as a… … Wikipedia
Ring (mathematics) — This article is about algebraic structures. For geometric rings, see Annulus (mathematics). For the set theory concept, see Ring of sets. Polynomials, represented here by curves, form a ring under addition and multiplication. In mathematics, a… … Wikipedia
Cotangent complex — In mathematics the cotangent complex is a roughly a universal linearization of a morphism of geometric or algebraic objects. Cotangent complexes were originally defined in special cases by a number of authors. Luc Illusie, Daniel Quillen, and M.… … Wikipedia
List of mathematics articles (S) — NOTOC S S duality S matrix S plane S transform S unit S.O.S. Mathematics SA subgroup Saccheri quadrilateral Sacks spiral Sacred geometry Saddle node bifurcation Saddle point Saddle surface Sadleirian Professor of Pure Mathematics Safe prime Safe… … Wikipedia
Projet:Mathématiques/Liste des articles de mathématiques — Cette page n est plus mise à jour depuis l arrêt de DumZiBoT. Pour demander sa remise en service, faire une requête sur WP:RBOT Cette page recense les articles relatifs aux mathématiques, qui sont liés aux portails de mathématiques, géométrie ou… … Wikipédia en Français
Homological algebra — is the branch of mathematics which studies homology in a general algebraic setting. It is a relatively young discipline, whose origins can be traced to investigations in combinatorial topology (a precursor to algebraic topology) and abstract… … Wikipedia
Topos — For topoi in literary theory, see Literary topos. For topoi in rhetorical invention, see Inventio. In mathematics, a topos (plural topoi or toposes ) is a type of category that behaves like the category of sheaves of sets on a topological space.… … Wikipedia
Liste des articles de mathematiques — Projet:Mathématiques/Liste des articles de mathématiques Cette page recense les articles relatifs aux mathématiques, qui sont liés aux portails de mathématiques, géométrie ou probabilités et statistiques via l un des trois bandeaux suivants … Wikipédia en Français
Refinement monoid — In mathematics, a refinement monoid is a commutative monoid M such that for any elements a0, a1, b0, b1 of M such that a0+a1=b0+b1, there are elements c00, c01, c10, c11 of M such that a0=c00+c01, a1=c10+c11, b0=c00+c10, and b1=c01+c11. A… … Wikipedia