simplex radio

simplex radio
симплексная [односторонняя] радиосвязь

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "simplex radio" в других словарях:

  • Simplex communication — is a name for a type of communication circuit. There are two (contradictory) definitions that have been used for the term. When one definition is used for simplex , then the other definition is actually referred to as half duplex .One way only –… …   Wikipedia

  • Radio communications during the September 11 attacks — This article reviews some of the details of radio communications at the September 11, 2001 World Trade Center attacks. [The purpose of revealing the operational details in this article is to allow operators of other communications networks and… …   Wikipedia

  • Radio maritime — La radio maritime inclut l ensemble des moyens radioélectriques civils utilisés en mer pour communiquer, de navire à navire ou avec des stations côtières, pour la sécurité, la gestion des flottes ou les communications personnelles. Veille radio… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Radio repeater — A radio repeater is a combination of a radio receiver and a radio transmitter that receives a weak or low level signal and retransmits it at a higher level or higher power, so that the signal can cover longer distances without degradation. This… …   Wikipedia

  • Simplex — Sịm|plex 〈n.; es, e od. pli|zia; Sprachw.〉 einfaches, nicht zusammengesetztes Wort, z. B. Freund, Bauer, Schönheit; Ggs Kompositum; → Lexikon der Sprachlehre [lat., „einfach“] * * * Sịm|plex, das; , e u. …plizia [zu lat. simplex, ↑ simpel]… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Simplex-Betrieb — Mit Duplex (Vollduplex), Halbduplex oder Simplex bezeichnet man in der Kommunikationstechnik die Richtungsabhängigkeit von Kommunikationskanälen. Simplex (SX) ist der gerichtete Betrieb. Das bedeutet ein Informationstransfer findet nur in eine… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Marine VHF radio — A standard handheld maritime VHF, mandatory on larger vessels under the GMDSS rules …   Wikipedia

  • Citizens' band radio — Typical 1980s CB base station, used with outdoor antenna. This radio may also be used in an automobile, since it is powered by 13.8V DC. Shown with Astatic Power D 104 desk mic …   Wikipedia

  • Surge Radio — Infobox Radio Station name = Surge Radio area = Lancaster, California branding = Surge Radio slogan = Respect The Music! airdate = December 2000 format = New Indie Music owner = XRQK website = [… …   Wikipedia

  • Two-way radio — receiver which only receives content. Two way radios are available in mobile, stationary base and hand held portable configurations. Hand held radios are often called walkie talkies or handie talkies. A push to talk or Press To Transmit button is …   Wikipedia

  • General Mobile Radio Service — The General Mobile Radio Service (GMRS) is a licensed land mobile FM UHF radio service in the United States available for short distance two way communication. It is intended for use by an adult individual who possesses a valid GMRS license, as… …   Wikipedia

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