simple net
Смотреть что такое "simple net" в других словарях:
Simple Network Management Protocol — (SNMP) forms part of the internet protocol suite as defined by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). SNMP is used in network management systems to monitor network attached devices for conditions that warrant administrative attention. It… … Wikipedia — has two is a group of artists who worked in internet art from 1994. The members are usually referenced as Vuk Ćosić,, Alexei Shulgin, Olia Lialina, Heath Bunting. This group was united as a parody of avantgarde… … Wikipedia — refers to a group of artists who worked in the medium of Internet art from 1994. The main members of this movement are Vuk Ćosić,, Alexei Shulgin, Olia Lialina, and Heath Bunting (, Heath Bunting, Rachel Baker, Minerva… … Wikipedia
Simple Plastic Airplane Design — (SPAD) is term used to describe a type of radio controlled airplane.The airplane is usually, though not always, simply built with the body consisting of a lightweight plastic material such as gutter downspout or an aluminium rail. The wings are… … Wikipedia
Simple DirectMedia Layer — SDL Тип API Разработчик Сэм Лантинга Написана на … Википедия
Simple Green — is a brand of cleaning agents manufactured by Sunshine Makers, Inc. This article refers to Simple Green s concentrated All Purpose Cleaner For North American consumers, the most recognized product in the line of approximately 25 Simple Green… … Wikipedia
Simple and Fast Multimedia Library — Тип API Написана на C++ ОС Cross platform Версия 1.5 (7 июня, 2009) … Википедия
Simple Plan (álbum) — Álbum de estudio de Simple Plan Publicación 2008 Grabación Julio Septiembre en New York, U.S. and Montreal, Canadá … Wikipedia Español
net — net, ette, (nè, nè t . L habitude s est beaucoup introduite de faire sentir le t au masculin net, même au pluriel ; cependant plusieurs gardent la prononciation dans laquelle le t est muet) adj. 1° Clair, sans impureté (ce qui est le sens… … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
Simple and fast multimedia library — SFML Simple and Fast Multimedia Librairy … Wikipédia en Français
Simple Scan — версия 2.32.0 Тип графика Автор … Википедия