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Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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  • simnel — [sim′nəl] n. 〚ME simenel < OFr < L simila, finest wheat flour: see SEMOLINA〛 in England, a) a kind of bread or roll formerly prepared by boiling, or boiling and baking b) a rich fruitcake traditionally eaten in mid Lent or at Easter or Christmas… …   Universalium

  • Simnel — Sim nel, n. [OF. simenel cake or bread of wheat flour, LL. simenellus wheat bread, fr. L. simila the finest wheat flour. Cf. {Semolina}.] 1. A kind of cake made of fine flour; a cracknel. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] Not common bread, but vastel bread,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • simnel — sweet cake, c.1200, from O.Fr. simenel fine wheat flour, by dissimilation from V.L. *siminellus, a dim. of L. simila fine flour (see SEMOLINA (Cf. semolina)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • simnel — [sim′nəl] n. [ME simenel < OFr < L simila, finest wheat flour: see SEMOLINA] in England, a) a kind of bread or roll formerly prepared by boiling, or boiling and baking b) a rich fruitcake traditionally eaten in mid Lent or at Easter or… …   English World dictionary

  • Simnel — Lambert Simnel (* um 1477; † um 1534) war ein Hochstapler, der behauptete, englischer König zu sein. Zusammen mit Perkin Warbeck war er einer von zwei Betrügern, die die Herrschaft von Heinrich VII. von England (regierte 1485 1509) im letzten… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • simnel — noun simnel cake …   Wiktionary

  • simnel — [13] Simnel, a term now used for a cake made at Easter, originally denoted ‘bread made from fine flour’. It was borrowed from Old French simenel, which itself came from either Latin simila (source of English semolina) or Greek semídālis, both… …   The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins

  • Simnel — n. family name; Lambert Simnel (around 1477 1534), English child impostor who claimed succession to the throne of England …   English contemporary dictionary

  • simnel — [13] Simnel, a term now used for a cake made at Easter, originally denoted ‘bread made from fine flour’. It was borrowed from Old French simenel, which itself came from either Latin simila (source of English semolina) or Greek semídālis, both… …   Word origins

  • Simnel cake — is a light fruit cake, similar to a Christmas cake, covered in marzipan, and eaten at Easter in the UK and Ireland. A layer of marzipan or almond paste is also baked into the middle of the cake. On the top of the cake, around the edge, are eleven …   Wikipedia

  • Simnel, Lambert — (c. 1475–c. 1525)    Lambert Simnel, a boy of obscure origins, impersonated Edward PLANTAGENET, earl of Warwick, as part of the first major effort to overthrow HENRY VII and restore the house of YORK.    Little is known of Simnel, whose very name …   Encyclopedia of the Wars of the Roses

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