similarity theory
Смотреть что такое "similarity theory" в других словарях:
similarity theory — panašumo teorija statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. similarity theory vok. Ähnlichkeitstheorie, f rus. теория подобия, f pranc. théorie de similitude, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
similarity theory — panašumo teorija statusas T sritis Energetika apibrėžtis Teorija, nagrinėjanti fizikinių reiškinių panašumo sąlygas. Panašumo teorija yra mokslinis eksperimento planavimo, jo rezultatų apdorojimo, taip pat modeliavimo, plačiai naudojamo įvairiose … Aiškinamasis šiluminės ir branduolinės technikos terminų žodynas
Similarity relation — Play (help· … Wikipedia
Theory of mind — is the ability to attribute mental states beliefs, intents, desires, pretending, knowledge, etc. to oneself and others and to understand that others have beliefs, desires and intentions that are different from one s own.[1] Though there are… … Wikipedia
Similarity (psychology) — Cognitive Psychological Approaches to Similarity Similarity refers to the psychological nearness or proximity of two mental representations. Research in cognitive psychology has taken a number of approaches to the concept of similarity. Each of… … Wikipedia
Multiple trace theory — (MTT) is a memory consolidation model advanced as an alternative model to strength theory. It posits that each time some information is presented to a person, it is neurally encoded in a unique memory trace composed of a combination of its… … Wikipedia
Democratic peace theory — (or liberal democratic theory[1] or simply the democratic peace ) is the theory that democracies, for some appropriate definition of democracy, rarely, or even never, go to war with one another. Some have preferred the term inter democracy… … Wikipedia
Uncertainty reduction theory — was introduced in 1975 in a paper entitled Some Exploration in Initial Interaction and Beyond: Toward a Developmental Theory of Interpersonal Communication . This theory, a collaborative effort of Charles R. Berger and Richard J. Calabrese, was… … Wikipedia
Communication accommodation theory — The Communication Accommodation Theory (CAT) explores the various reasons why individuals use speech and paralinguistics in order to try to emphasize or minimize the social differences between themselves and their interlocutors. It evolved from… … Wikipedia
Musical similarity — is a certain similarity between two or more musical fragments. If these fragments are from one musical piece a musical similarity implies a repetition of the first occurring fragment. As well, eventually, the similarity does not occur by direct… … Wikipedia
Chaos theory in organizational development — refers to a subset of chaos theory which incorporates principles of quantum mechanics and presents them in a complex systems environment. Contents 1 Background 2 Elements of organization 2.1 Self organization … Wikipedia