similar matrices

similar matrices
подобный матрицы

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "similar matrices" в других словарях:

  • similar matrices — panašiosios matricos statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. similar matrices vok. ähnliche Matrizen, f rus. подобные матрицы, f pranc. matrices semblables, f …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • Similar matrix — In linear algebra, two n by n matrices A and B over the field K are called similar if there exists an invertible n by n matrix P over K such that:! P^{ 1} A P = BOne of the meanings of the term similarity transformation is such a transformation… …   Wikipedia

  • matrices semblables — panašiosios matricos statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. similar matrices vok. ähnliche Matrizen, f rus. подобные матрицы, f pranc. matrices semblables, f …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • similar — similarly, adv. /sim euh leuhr/, adj. 1. having a likeness or resemblance, esp. in a general way: two similar houses. 2. Geom. (of figures) having the same shape; having corresponding sides proportional and corresponding angles equal: similar… …   Universalium

  • List of matrices — This page lists some important classes of matrices used in mathematics, science and engineering: Matrices in mathematics*(0,1) matrix a matrix with all elements either 0 or 1. Also called a binary matrix . *Adjugate matrix * Alternant matrix a… …   Wikipedia

  • Gamma matrices — In mathematical physics, the gamma matrices, {γ0,γ1,γ2,γ3}, also known as the Dirac matrices, are a set of conventional matrices with specific anticommutation relations that ensure they generate a matrix representation of the Clifford algebra… …   Wikipedia

  • Pauli matrices — The Pauli matrices are a set of 2 times; 2 complex Hermitian and unitary matrices. Usually indicated by the Greek letter sigma (σ), they are occasionally denoted with a tau (τ) when used in connection with isospin symmetries. They are::sigma 1 =… …   Wikipedia

  • Raven's Progressive Matrices — (often referred to simply as Raven s Matrices) are multiple choice tests of abstract reasoning, originally developed by Dr John C. Raven in 1938.Raven, J.C. (1938). Progressive matrices: A perceptual test of intelligence . London:H.K. Lewis.] In… …   Wikipedia

  • 2 × 2 real matrices — The set of 2 × 2 real matrices is denoted by M(2, R). Two matrices p and q in M(2, R) have a sum p + q given by matrix addition. The product matrix p q is formed from the dot product of the rows and columns of its factors… …   Wikipedia

  • Real matrices (2 x 2) — The 2 x 2 real matrices are the linear mappings of the Cartesian coordinate system into itself by the rule:(x,y) mapsto (x,y)egin{pmatrix}a c b dend{pmatrix} = (ax + by, cx + dy).The set of all such real matrices is denoted by M(2,R). Two… …   Wikipedia

  • Estimation of covariance matrices — In statistics, sometimes the covariance matrix of a multivariate random variable is not known but has to be estimated. Estimation of covariance matrices then deals with the question of how to approximate the actual covariance matrix on the basis… …   Wikipedia

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