- silky terrier
- шелковистый терьер (разновидность той-терьера)
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Silky Terrier — [ sɪlki terɪə; englisch silky »seidig«], Sydney Terrier [ sɪdni ], australische Haushunderasse mit schwarzem Nasenspiegel und üppigem, seidigem Büschel auf dem Kopf; Begleithund. Der in Europa erst in jüngerer Zeit populäre Silky Terrier ist… … Universal-Lexikon
silky terrier — n. any of a breed of toy dog with a long, silky, bluish gray and tan coat, erect ears, and general terrierlike qualities … English World dictionary
silky terrier — noun Australian breed of toy dogs having a silky blue coat • Syn: ↑Sydney silky • Hypernyms: ↑terrier * * * noun also silky ( es) : a low set toy terrier that weighs 8 to 10 poun … Useful english dictionary
silky terrier — one of an Australian breed of toy dogs having a long, silky, blue coat with tan markings and erect ears, a topknot, and a docked tail. Also called Sydney silky. [1955 60] * * * ▪ breed of dog Australian breed of toy dog, first shown in 1907 … Universalium
silky terrier — noun Date: 1959 any of a breed of low set toy terriers of Australian origin that have a flat silky glossy coat colored blue with tan on the head, chest, and legs called also silky … New Collegiate Dictionary
silky terrier — silk′y ter′rier n. dch one of an Australian breed of toy dogs with a long, silky blue coat with tan markings, and a topknot • Etymology: 1955–60 … From formal English to slang
Australian Silky Terrier — Nombres alternativos Silky Aussie País de origen … Wikipedia Español
Australian Silky Terrier — The Australian Silky Terrier is an Australian breed of dog. It is classed in the Toy group in its country of origin and some other countries, but is classed as a terrier in Europe. Characteristics Appearance The average Australian Silky Terrier… … Wikipedia
Australian Silky Terrier — FCI Standard Nr. 236 Gruppe 3 … Deutsch Wikipedia
Silky — means having a smooth, silk like texture.Silky may also refer to:* Silkie, a variety of chicken believed to have originated in eastern Asia * Australian Silky Terrier … Wikipedia
Australian silky terrier — noun a small, lightly built dog of medium length with erect ears and a long, silky, blue or grey blue coat with tan markings. Also, Sydney silky …