silk cloth
Смотреть что такое "silk cloth" в других словарях:
Silk in the Indian subcontinent — Silk in India as elsewhere, is an item of luxury.For more than four thousand years, this cloth produced from the cocoons of caterpillers, has been associated with crowned heads and riches throughout the different ages. As a designer once said… … Wikipedia
cloth — [klɔθ US klo:θ] n [: Old English; Origin: clath cloth, piece of clothing ] 1.) [U] material used for making things such as clothes cotton/woollen/silk etc cloth ▪ a dress of the finest silk cloth 2.) a piece of cloth used for a particular purpose … Dictionary of contemporary English
Silk — This article is about a natural fiber and the textile woven from it. For other uses, see Silk (disambiguation). Four of the most important domesticated silk worms, together with their adult moth forms, Meyers Konversations Lexikon (1885 1892)… … Wikipedia
silk — silklike, adj. /silk/, n. 1. the soft, lustrous fiber obtained as a filament from the cocoon of the silkworm. 2. thread made from this fiber. 3. cloth made from this fiber. 4. a garment of this cloth. 5. a gown of such material worn distinctively … Universalium
silk — n. 1 a fine strong soft lustrous fibre produced by silkworms in making cocoons. 2 a similar fibre spun by some spiders etc. 3 thread or cloth made from silk fibre. 4 (in pl.) kinds of silk cloth or garments made from it, esp. as worn by a jockey… … Useful english dictionary
Silk — The use of this natural fiber dates back to the third millennium B.C.E. in China and is derived from the dried saliva of the silkworm during the cocooning process. Sericulture, or the process of cultivating and ultimately weaving silk cloth,… … Historical Dictionary of the Fashion Industry
Silk — Heb. demeshek, damask, silk cloth manufactured at Damascus, Amos 3:12. A.V., in the corner of a bed, and in Damascus in a couch; R.V., in the corner of a couch, and on the silken cushions of a bed (marg., in Damascus on a bed ). Heb. meshi … Easton's Bible Dictionary
Silk Letter Conspiracy — The Silk Letter Conspiracy (Tehrek e Reshmi Rumal) refers to a conspiracy by Deobandi leaders to attempt to begin a pan islamic insurrection in British India during World War I by seeking support from Ottoman Turkey, Imperial Germany, Afghanistan … Wikipedia
silk blouse — delicate shirt that is made out of silk cloth … English contemporary dictionary
Silk — Silk, n. [OE. silk, selk, AS. seolc, seoloc; akin to Icel. silki, SW. & Dan. silke; prob. through Slavic from an Oriental source; cf. Lith. szilkai, Russ. shelk , and also L. sericum Seric stuff, silk. Cf. {Sericeous}. {Serge} a woolen stuff.] 1 … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Silk cotton — Silk Silk, n. [OE. silk, selk, AS. seolc, seoloc; akin to Icel. silki, SW. & Dan. silke; prob. through Slavic from an Oriental source; cf. Lith. szilkai, Russ. shelk , and also L. sericum Seric stuff, silk. Cf. {Sericeous}. {Serge} a woolen stuff … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English