Смотреть что такое "siliconize" в других словарях:
siliconize — sil·i·con·ize .īz vt, ized; iz·ing to provide with a silicone surface <siliconize hypodermic needles to reduce friction> … Medical dictionary
siliconize — ˈsilə̇kəˌnīz transitive verb ( ed/ ing/ s) Etymology: silicon + ize 1. : to combine or impregnate with silicon; specifically : to treat (a metal) with silicon or a silicon compound to form a protective surface alloy siliconize steel 2. : to treat … Useful english dictionary
siliconize — verb to treat, or coat something with silicone … Wiktionary
siliconize — sil·i·con·ize … English syllables
silicone — [ sɪlɪkəʊn] noun a durable synthetic resin with a structure based on chains of silicon and oxygen atoms with organic side chains. verb treat with a silicone. Derivatives siliconize or siliconise verb siliconized or siliconised adjective … English new terms dictionary