Смотреть что такое "silentness" в других словарях:
Silentness — Si lent*ness, n. State of being silent; silence. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
silentness — noun see silent I … New Collegiate Dictionary
silentness — See silently. * * * … Universalium
silentness — n. silence, stillness, quietness, noiselessness; state of remaining quiet; reticence; muteness … English contemporary dictionary
silentness — si·lent·ness … English syllables
silentness — noun ( es) : the quality or state of being or keeping silent : noiselessness, speechlessness … Useful english dictionary
silent — I. adjective Etymology: Middle English sylent, from Latin silent , silens, from present participle of silēre to be silent; akin to Gothic anasilan to cease, grow calm Date: 15th century 1. a. making no utterance ; mute, speechless b. indisposed… … New Collegiate Dictionary
List of characters in Maximum Ride — This is a list of all the characters in Maximum Ride . The FlockMaximum Ride (Max)Maximum Ride (Max) is fourteen years old, the oldest of the avian human hybrids and the leader of the Flock. She is 5 8 and has a wingspan of about 13 feet across.… … Wikipedia
Die Schlafende — Illustration durch Hugh Noel. Herausgegeben 1900.[1] Gesprochene Version Die Schlafe … Deutsch Wikipedia
The Sleeper — Illustration durch Hugh Noel. Herausgegeben 1900.[1] Die Schlafende (Originaltitel: The Sleeper) ist eine Ballade von Edgar Allan Poe. Eine frühe Fassung wurde 1831 under dem Titel Irene veröffentlicht. Eine Überarbeitung erschien am 3. Mai 1845… … Deutsch Wikipedia
silent — silently, adv. silentness, n. /suy leuhnt/, adj. 1. making no sound; quiet; still: a silent motor. 2. refraining from speech. 3. speechless; mute. 4. not inclined to speak; taciturn; reticent. 5. characterized by absence of speech or sound: a… … Universalium