Смотреть что такое "signon" в других словарях:
Bitnet Relay — or officially The Interchat Relay Network or simply Relay was a precursor to today s Internet Relay Chat and various online chat systems. It was developed by Jeff Kell (then at JEFF@UTCVM), of (University of Tennessee, Chattanooga) in 1985 in… … Wikipedia
DirectSSO — SigSSO provides signature based Web Single SignOn (SSO) across any boundaries. It does not require any common infrastructure but relies on a trust relationship from the SSO client applications to the SSO server (typically a web portal, but could… … Wikipedia
Password synchronization — is defined as any process or technology thathelps users to maintain a single password that is subject to a singlesecurity policy, and changes on a single schedule across multiple systems.Password synchronization is an effective mechanism for… … Wikipedia
XRDS — (Kurzform für: eXtensible Resource Descriptor Sequence) ist ein XML Format, um Metadaten über eine Web Resource zu beschreiben und abrufbar zu machen (engl. „Discovery ) – insbesondere Dienste, die unter dieser Ressource verfügbar sind (engl.… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Yadis — is a communications protocol for discovery of services such as OpenID, OAuth, and XDI connected to a Yadis ID. While intended to discover digital identity services, Yadis is not restricted to those. Other services can easily be included.A Yadis… … Wikipedia
Password management — There are several forms of software used to help users or organizations better manage passwords:* Personal software, installed and used by individual users: ** Password manager software is used by individuals to organize and encrypt many personal … Wikipedia
Jim Berreen — was a prominent member of the Green Party in the 1980s and 90s and an academic. He remains a member of the party. He is also a musician. [ Locomundo website] ] Early lifeBerreen went to University at… … Wikipedia
XRDS — (eXtensible Resource Descriptor Sequence) is an XML format for discovery of metadata about a resource – in particular discovery of services associated with the resource, a process known as service discovery. For example, a website offering OpenID … Wikipedia
Login unificado — Ayuda:Login unificado Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Atajos A:SULA:SUL A:LUA:LU A:UL … Wikipedia Español
Yadis — Yadis сетевой протокол для обнаружения сервисов OpenID, OAuth и XDI с использованием Yadis ID. Изначально предназначенный для обнаружения сервисов цифровой идентификации, Yadis легко может быть использован и для других сервисов. Yadis ID… … Википедия
Ayuda:Login unificado — Atajos A:SULA:SUL A:LUA:LU A:ULA:UL … Wikipedia Español