significant digit

significant digit
значащая цифра

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "significant digit" в других словарях:

  • significant digit — reikšminis skaitmuo statusas T sritis informatika apibrėžtis Skaitmuo, turintis įtakos skaičiaus reikšmei: jį pašalinus pakinta skaičiaus reikšmė. Pavyzdžiui, skaičiaus 12500 visi skaitmenys reikšminiai, o skaičiaus 12,500 du paskutiniai… …   Enciklopedinis kompiuterijos žodynas

  • significant digit — noun any digit of a number that is known with certainty; any digit of a number beginning with the leftmost non zero digit and ending with the rightmost non zero digit (or a zero considered to be the exact value) he calculated the answer to four… …   Useful english dictionary

  • significant digit — noun Date: 1923 any of the digits of a number beginning with the digit farthest to the left that is not zero and ending with the last digit farthest to the right that is either not zero or that is a zero but is considered to be exact called also… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • significant digit — (Computers) digit that has the highest value within a group of digits (according to which one can discover if the digit is written from left to right or vice versa) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • significant digit — noun A digit that is nonzero, or when it is zero, it is followed only by zero digits. Used in rounding …   Wiktionary

  • least significant digit — the digit farthest to the right in a number. Abbr.: LSD Cf. most significant digit. * * * …   Universalium

  • most significant digit — the digit farthest to the left in a number. Abbr.: MSD Cf. least significant digit. * * * …   Universalium

  • least significant digit — the digit farthest to the right in a number. Abbr.: LSD Cf. most significant digit …   Useful english dictionary

  • most significant digit — the digit farthest to the left in a number. Abbr.: MSD Cf. least significant digit …   Useful english dictionary

  • Most Significant Digit —   [dt. »höchstwertige Stelle«], Wertigkeit …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Significant figures — The significant figures (also called significant digits) of a number are those digits that carry meaning contributing to its precision. This includes all digits except: leading and trailing zeros where they serve merely as placeholders to… …   Wikipedia

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