signed measure

signed measure
мат. обобщенная мера, заряд

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "signed measure" в других словарях:

  • Signed measure — In mathematics, signed measure is a generalization of the concept of measure by allowing it to have negative values. Some authors may call it a charge,[1] by analogy with electric charge, which is a familiar distribution that takes on positive… …   Wikipedia

  • Measure (mathematics) — Informally, a measure has the property of being monotone in the sense that if A is a subset of B, the measure of A is less than or equal to the measure of B. Furthermore, the measure of the empty set is required to be 0. In mathematical analysis …   Wikipedia

  • Radon measure — In mathematics (specifically, measure theory), a Radon measure, named after Johann Radon, is a measure on the σ algebra of Borel sets of a Hausdorff topological space X that is locally finite and inner regular. Contents 1 Motivation 2 Definitions …   Wikipedia

  • Complex measure — In mathematics, specifically measure theory, a complex measure generalizes the concept of measure by letting it have complex values. In other words, one allows for sets whose size (length, area, volume) is a complex number. Contents 1 Definition… …   Wikipedia

  • Information theory and measure theory — Measures in information theory = Many of the formulas in information theory have separate versions for continuous and discrete cases, i.e. integrals for the continuous case and sums for the discrete case. These versions can often be generalized… …   Wikipedia

  • Support (measure theory) — In mathematics, the support (sometimes topological support or spectrum) of a measure μ on a measurable topological space ( X , Borel( X )) is a precise notion of where in the space X the measure lives . It is defined to be the largest (closed)… …   Wikipedia

  • Σ-finite measure — In mathematics, a positive (or signed) measure mu; defined on a sigma; algebra Sigma; of subsets of a set X is called finite, if mu;( X ) is a finite real number (rather than ∞). The measure mu; is called σ finite, if X is the countable union of… …   Wikipedia

  • Locally finite measure — In mathematics, a locally finite measure is a measure for which every point of the measure space has a neighbourhood of finite measure.DefinitionLet ( X , T ) be a Hausdorff topological space and let Sigma; be a sigma; algebra on X that contains… …   Wikipedia

  • Vector measure — In mathematics, a vector measure is a function defined on a family of sets and taking vector values satisfying certain properties. Definitions and first consequencesGiven a field of sets (Omega, mathcal F) and a Banach space X, a finitely… …   Wikipedia

  • Oregon Ballot Measure 58 (1998) — Ballot Measure 58 was a citizen s initiative that was passed by the voters of the U.S. state of Oregon in the November 1998 General Election. The measure restored the right of adopted adults who were born in Oregon to access their original birth… …   Wikipedia

  • Pushforward measure — In mathematics, a pushforward measure (also push forward or push forward) is obtained by transferring ( pushing forward ) a measure from one measurable space to another using a measurable function.DefinitionGiven measurable spaces ( X 1, Sigma;1) …   Wikipedia

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