signed graph
Смотреть что такое "signed graph" в других словарях:
Signed graph — In the area of graph theory in mathematics, a signed graph is a graph in which each edge has a positive or negative sign.Formally, a signed graph Sigma; is a pair ( G , sigma;) that consists of a graph G = ( V , E ) and a sign mapping or… … Wikipedia
Graph (mathematics) — This article is about sets of vertices connected by edges. For graphs of mathematical functions, see Graph of a function. For statistical graphs, see Chart. Further information: Graph theory A drawing of a labeled graph on 6 vertices and 7 edges … Wikipedia
Graph coloring — A proper vertex coloring of the Petersen graph with 3 colors, the minimum number possible. In graph theory, graph coloring is a special case of graph labeling; it is an assignment of labels traditionally called colors to elements of a graph… … Wikipedia
graph theory — A branch of mathematics used to represent relations and networks. A graph consists of a set of points (nodes or vertices) and the pairwise links between them (arcs or lines). In sociological applications, the nodes are typically individuals,… … Dictionary of sociology
Biased graph — In mathematics, a biased graph is a graph with a list of distinguished circles (edge sets of simple cycles), such that if two circles in the list are contained in a theta graph, then so is the third circle of the theta graph. A biased graph is a… … Wikipedia
Gain graph — A gain graph is a graph whose edges are labelled invertibly, or orientably, by elements of a group G . This means that, if an edge e in one direction has label g (a group element), then in the other direction it has label g −1. The label function … Wikipedia
Bidirected graph — In the mathematical domain of graph theory, a bidirected graph (introduced by harvnb|Edmonds|Johnson|1970) is a graph in which each edge is given an independent orientation (or direction, or arrow) at each end. Thus, there are three kinds of… … Wikipedia
Glossary of graph theory — Graph theory is a growing area in mathematical research, and has a large specialized vocabulary. Some authors use the same word with different meanings. Some authors use different words to mean the same thing. This page attempts to keep up with… … Wikipedia
Two-graph — In mathematics, a two graph is a set of (unordered) triples chosen from a finite vertex set X , such that every (unordered) quadruple from X contains an even number of triples of the two graph. A regular two graph has the property that every pair … Wikipedia
Hypercube graph — The hypercube graph Q4 Vertices 2n Edges 2n−1n … Wikipedia
hol´o|graph´i|cal|ly — hol|o|graph|ic1 «HOL uh GRAF ihk», adjective. Law. written, dated, and signed entirely in the handwriting of the testator, and therefore sometimes accepted as valid without the signature of witnesses: »a holographic will. hol|o|graph|ic2 «HOL uh… … Useful english dictionary