Смотреть что такое "signalmen" в других словарях:
signalmen — sig·nal·man || sɪgnlmÉ™n n. person responsible for sending signals (mainly in the Navy); railroad employee who sends signals to trains indicating whether the track is clear … English contemporary dictionary
Brotherhood of Railroad Signalmen — Infobox Union| name= BRS country= United States, Canada affiliation= AFL CIO, CLC members= 9500 full name= Brotherhood of Railroad Signalmen native name= founded= 1901 current= head= dissolved date= dissolved state= merged into= office= Front… … Wikipedia
Quintinshill rail disaster — The Quintinshill rail disaster occurred on 22 May 1915, at Quintinshill, an intermediate signal box (on what is now the West Coast Main Line) with refuge loops on the Caledonian Railway near Gretna Green in Scotland. Involving five trains, the… … Wikipedia
Signalman (rank) — Signalman is a military rank similar to that of Private (rank), but is used within units that specialize in communication. See Signaller for more about the roles of Signalmen.United States UseU.S. NavyIn the U.S. Navy, signalman (usually… … Wikipedia
Token (railway signalling) — A token being offered by a signalman on the Keighley and Worth Valley Railway … Wikipedia
Radstock rail accident — The Radstock rail accident took place on the Somerset and Dorset Joint Railway in south west England, on August 7, 1876. Two trains collided on a single track section, resulting in fifteen passengers being killed.It was difficult to assign blame… … Wikipedia
Signalman (rail) — A signalman or signaller is an employee of a railway transport network who operates the points and signals from a signal box in order to control the movement of trains. History The first signalmen, originally police officers (leading to the… … Wikipedia
Signalling block system — Signalling block systems enable the safe and efficient operation of railways, so as to avoid collisions between trains. Block systems are used to control trains between stations and yards, and not normally within them. Any block system is defined … Wikipedia
Railway signalling — Not to be confused with Railway signal. A gantry of British semaphore signals seen from the cab of a steam locomotive Railway signalling is a system used to control railway traffic safely, essentially to prevent trains from colliding. Being… … Wikipedia
Hawes Junction rail crash — The Hawes Junction rail crash occurred on December 24 1910, on the Midland Railway s Settle and Carlisle mainline at the junction with the Wensleydale Railway in Westmorland (now Cumbria), England. It was caused when a busy signalman forgot about … Wikipedia
Transport Workers Union of America — Infobox Union name= TWU country= United States affiliation= AFL CIO members= full name= Transport Workers Union of America native name= founded= 1934 current= head= dissolved date= dissolved state= merged into= office= New York, N.Y. people=… … Wikipedia