- sign in blank
- проставить бланковый индоссамент
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
blank — ▪ I. blank blank 1 [blæŋk] adjective without any writing or print: • Leave the last page blank. [m0] ▪ II. blank blank 2 noun [countable] … Financial and business terms
blank — blank1 [ blæŋk ] adjective ** 1. ) showing no emotion or no sign of understanding something or recognizing someone: His eyes were blank and he barely responded to us. a blank look/expression/face 2. ) blank paper or a blank space is empty and… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
blank — I UK [blæŋk] / US adjective Word forms blank : adjective blank comparative blanker superlative blankest ** 1) blank paper or a blank space is empty and contains no writing or other marks a blank sheet of paper Write your name in the blank space… … English dictionary
blank — [blæŋk] adj I 1) containing no writing, pictures, or sound a blank sheet of paper[/ex] a blank tape/disk[/ex] rows of blank screens[/ex] The last three boxes should be left blank.[/ex] 2) showing no emotion, or no sign of understanding something… … Dictionary for writing and speaking English
Blank expression — A blank expression is a facial expression characterized by the neutral position of facial features and implies a lack of strong emotion. It may be caused by a lack of emotion, boredom, slight confusion (such as when someone refers to something… … Wikipedia
endorse in blank — sign over a bill or check with no monetary sum indicated … English contemporary dictionary
Matt Blank — Pitcher Born: April 5, 1976 (1976 04 05) (age 35) Texarkana, Texas Batted: Left Threw: Left … Wikipedia
Hollywood Sign — Panneau Hollywood Panneau Hollywood Le panneau Hollywood sur le versant sud du Mont Lee Présentation Période ou style Début du XXe siècle … Wikipédia en Français
ПОДПИСЬ БЛАНКОВАЯ — SIGN IN BLANKВ неформальном значении под этим подразумевается ИНДОССИРОВАНИЕ обращающегося инструмента. Поскольку подобное индоссирование превращает инструмент в предъявительскую ценную бумагу, сделка с ним осуществляется путем простой передачи;… … Энциклопедия банковского дела и финансов
Mann Kee Awaaz Pratigya — मन की आवाज़ प्रतिज्ञा Also known as Pratigya Genre Indian soap opera and Drama Created by Spellbound Productions and Walkwater Productions Written by Pearl Grey Shanti … Wikipedia
Dioscurus — Dioscurus † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Dioscurus (Also written Dioscorus; Dioscurus from the analogy of Dioscuri). Bishop of Alexandria; date of birth unknown; d. at Gangra, in Asia Minor, 11 Sept., 454. He had been archdeacon under… … Catholic encyclopedia