Смотреть что такое "sight-read" в других словарях:
sight-read — sight reader, n. /suyt reed /, v.t., v.i., sight read / red/, sight reading. to read, play, or sing without previous practice, rehearsal, or study of the material to be treated: to sight read music; to sight read another language. [1900 05] * * * … Universalium
sight-read — sight′ read [[t]rid[/t]] v. t. v. i. read(red), read•ing. cvb mad to read, play, or sing without previous practice, rehearsal, or study of the material to be treated: to sight read music[/ex] • Etymology: 1900–05 sight′ read er, n … From formal English to slang
sight-read — sight reads, sight reading VERB (The form sight read is used in the present tense, where it is pronounced [[t]sa͟ɪt riːd[/t]], and is the past tense and past participle, pronounced [[t]sa͟ɪt red[/t]].) Someone who can sight read can play or sing… … English dictionary
sight-read — [ saıt ,rid ] (past tense and past participle sight read [ saıt ,red ] ) verb intransitive or transitive to sing or play written music the first time you look at it, without practicing it first ╾ sight read|ing noun uncount … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
sight-read — [ˈsaıtri:d] v past tense and past participle sight read [ red] [I and T] to play or sing written music when you look at it for the first time, without practising it first >sight reader n >sight reading n [U] … Dictionary of contemporary English
sight-read — ► VERB ▪ read and perform (music) at sight, without preparation … English terms dictionary
sight-read — UK [ˈsaɪt ˌriːd] / US [ˈsaɪt ˌrɪd] verb [intransitive/transitive] Word forms sight read : present tense I/you/we/they sight read he/she/it sight reads present participle sight reading past tense sight read UK [ˈsaɪt red] / US [ˈsaɪt ˌred] past… … English dictionary
sight-read — verb perform music from a score without having seen the score before He is a brilliant pianist but he cannot sightread • Syn: ↑sightread • Derivationally related forms: ↑sightreader (for: ↑sightread) • … Useful english dictionary
sight-read — verb (sight read; sight reading) Etymology: back formation from sight reader Date: 1903 transitive verb to read (as a foreign language) or perform (music) without previous preparation or study intransitive verb to read at sight; especially to… … New Collegiate Dictionary
sight-read — {v.} To be able to play music without memorization by reading the sheet music and immediately playing it. * /Experienced, good musicians are expected to be able to sight read./ … Dictionary of American idioms
sight-read — {v.} To be able to play music without memorization by reading the sheet music and immediately playing it. * /Experienced, good musicians are expected to be able to sight read./ … Dictionary of American idioms