side plate
Смотреть что такое "side plate" в других словарях:
side plate — noun A small plate used for food, such as bread or salad, which accompanies the main meal • • • Main Entry: ↑side * * * n. a plate smaller than a dinner plate, used for bread or other accompaniments to a meal * * * ˈside plate 7 [side plate] noun … Useful english dictionary
side plate — /ˈsaɪd pleɪt/ (say suyd playt) noun a small plate set alongside a dinner plate, usually for small helpings of side dishes …
side plate — wall on the side, side partition … English contemporary dictionary
carriage side plate — pabūklo atrama statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Pabūklo lafeto dalis, skirta apatinio stovo mechanizmams ir dalims susieti, šūvio metu atsirandančioms jėgoms žemei perduoti. Antžeminėje artilerijoje labiausiai paplitę dvikojai lafetai. Trikojė … Artilerijos terminų žodynas
plate tectonics — plate tectonic, adj. Geol. a theory of global tectonics in which the lithosphere is divided into a number of crustal plates, each of which moves on the plastic asthenosphere more or less independently to collide with, slide under, or move past… … Universalium
Side dish — Side order redirects here. For the 2009 Christian film, see Side Order. Part of a series on Meals … Wikipedia
Side Arms: Hyper Dyne — Side Arms Hyper Dyne Éditeur Capcom / Romstar Développeur Capcom … Wikipédia en Français
side dish — side ,dish noun count an amount of food served at the same time as the MAIN COURSE of a meal but on a separate plate a. a plate on which a side dish is served … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
side order — side ,order noun count an amount of food that a restaurant serves you at the same time as the MAIN COURSE of a meal but on a separate plate … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Plate tectonics — The tectonic plates of the world were mapped in the second half of the 20th century … Wikipedia
plate — 1. [TA] In anatomy, a thin, relative flat, structure. SYN: lamina [TA]. 2. A metal bar perforated for screws applied to a fractured bone to maintain the ends in apposition. 3. The agar layer within a Petri dish or similar … Medical dictionary