side channel

side channel

1. обводной канал (при строительстве гидроузла)
2. траншейный водосброс

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "side channel" в других словарях:

  • Side-channel attack — In cryptography, a side channel attack is any attack based on information gained from the physical implementation of a cryptosystem, rather than brute force or theoretical weaknesses in the algorithms (compare cryptanalysis). For example, timing… …   Wikipedia

  • Side-channel криптоанализ — Содержание 1 Введение 2 Классификация side channel атак 2.1 инвазивные неинвазивные атаки …   Википедия

  • Side channel attack — Die von dem US amerikanischen Kryptologen Paul C. Kocher 1996 bekannt gemachte Seitenkanalattacke (engl. side channel attack) bezeichnet eine kryptoanalytische Methode, die die physikalische Implementierung eines Kryptosystems in einem Gerät… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • side channel — a lateral channel with an axis of flow roughly parallel to that of the main channel. It is fed by water from the main channel but has a lesser flow …   Dictionary of ichthyology

  • Channel architecture — is the art of planning, creating and maintaining a balanced structure of providing products and services to consumers across classical and digital channels of communication and distribution. The products and services may be virtual or physical,… …   Wikipedia

  • Channel Tunnel — Map of the Channel Tunnel Overview Location English Channel (Strait of Dover) Coordinates Folkestone …   Wikipedia

  • Channel Dash — Part of World War II …   Wikipedia

  • Channel wing — aircraft CCW 5 The channel wing is an aircraft wing principle developed by Willard Ray Custer in the 1920s. The most important part of the wing consists of a half tube with an engine placed in the middle, driving a propeller placed at the rear… …   Wikipedia

  • Side-scan sonar — (also sometimes called side scan sonar, sidescan sonar, side looking sonar, side looking sonar and bottom classification sonar) is a category of sonar system that is used to create efficiently an image of large areas of the sea floor. This tool… …   Wikipedia

  • Channel coordination — (or supply chain coordination) aims at improving supply chain performance by aligning the plans and the objectives of individual enterprises. It usually focuses on inventory management and ordering decisions in distributed inter company settings …   Wikipedia

  • Channel 4 programming — Channel 4, in common with the other main British stations broadcast on analogue, airs a highly comprehensive range of programming. It was established in 1982 with a specific intention of providing programming to groups of minority interests, not… …   Wikipedia

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