sick call
Смотреть что такое "sick call" в других словарях:
sick call — n a scheduled time at which individuals (as soldiers) may report as sick to a medical officer … Medical dictionary
sick call — sick′ call n. 1) a military formation for those requiring medical attention 2) the period during which this formation is held • Etymology: 1830–40 … From formal English to slang
sick call — n. Mil. 1. a daily formation made up of personnel who wish to receive medical attention 2. a signal for or the time of such a formation … English World dictionary
sick call — noun the daily military formation at which individuals report to the medical officer as sick • Syn: ↑sick parade • Topics: ↑military, ↑armed forces, ↑armed services, ↑military machine, ↑war machine … Useful english dictionary
Sick Call — In US Military parlance, a Sick Call is a daily lineup of military personnel requiring medical attention. [ call] .As a record of treatment provided to personnel at Sick Call , one or more of the attending medical … Wikipedia
sick call — n. (mil.) to go on sick call * * * (mil.) to go on sick call … Combinatory dictionary
sick call — noun Date: 1836 a scheduled time at which individuals (as soldiers) may report as sick to the medical officer … New Collegiate Dictionary
sick call — Mil. 1. a daily formation for those requiring medical attention. 2. the period during which this formation is held. [1830 40] * * * … Universalium
sick call — noun A daily lineup of military personnel requiring medical attention … Wiktionary
sick call — military lineup where soldiers announce that they are feeling ill … English contemporary dictionary
call — I n. appeal summons 1) to issue a call for (the government issued a call to the populace for voluntary contributions) 2) to answer, heed, respond to a call (to answer the call of duty) 3) a clarion call 4) a curtain call (the actor had five… … Combinatory dictionary