- siberia
- Сибири
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Siberia — Distrito Federal de Siberia … Wikipedia Español
Siberia — • A Russian possession in Asia forming the northern third of that continent Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Siberia Siberia † … Catholic encyclopedia
SIBERIA — (Rus. Sibir), Asiatic part of the Russian Federation, extending from the Urals in the west to the Pacific in the east. The first Jews went to Siberia from Lithuanian towns captured by the Russians in the Russo Polish war (1632–34); they were… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Siberia — (Сибирь) es la parte asiática (oriental) de Rusia: una región en Asia septentrional que se extiende desde los Montes Urales al Extremo Oriente ruso, y que linda al norte con el Océano Glacial Ártico y al sur con Kazajstán, Mongolia y China. Las… … Enciclopedia Universal
SIBERIA — provinica ampla Moscoviae, in Tartaria deserta, versus Obyum fluvium in Condoram, Logomoriam et Permiam provincias. Haud pridem detecta et culta a Moscis, cuius primaria Tobolsk, versus montes. Regio tota palustris et silvis opaca, sed magna ex… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Siberia — region in northwestern Asia, the name said to come from Sibir, ancient Tatar fortress at the confluence of the rivers Tobol and Irtysh. As a typical place of miserable banishment, it is attested from 1841 … Etymology dictionary
Siberia — [sī bir′ē ə] region in N Asia, between the Urals & the Pacific: Asian section of Russia: c. 5,208,000 sq mi (13,488,667 sq km): notorious for its harsh climatic conditions & isolated location Siberian adj., n … English World dictionary
Siberia — Siberian redirects here. For the cat breed, see Siberian (cat). This article is about Siberia as a whole. For the federal district, see Siberian Federal District. For other uses, see Siberia (disambiguation). Coordinates: 60°0′N 105°0′E / … Wikipedia
Siberia — Siberian, adj., n. /suy bear ee euh/, n. 1. Russian, Sibir . an extensive region in the Russian Federation in N Asia, extending from the Ural Mountains to the Pacific. 2. any undesirable or isolated locale, job, etc., to which one is assigned as… … Universalium
Siberia — For nineteenth century Russia, Siberia was a resource frontier like the legendary American West for the United States. Until the peasant liberation of 1861, migration to Siberia was mostly compulsory. Exiles were forced to work in Siberian… … Encyclopedia of the Age of Imperialism, 1800–1914
Siberia — Occupying a vast swath of northern Eurasia, Siberia (Sibir’) constitutes more than half of the territory of the Russian Federation. Siberia stretches from the Ural Mountains in the west to the watershed Arctic and Pacific drainage basins in… … Historical Dictionary of the Russian Federation