shout down

shout down
заглушать криком His questions were shouted down. ≈ Его вопросы заглушили криком. перекричать;
заставить замолчать громким криком - an angry meeting shouted down one of the committee раздраженная толпа не дала говорить представителю комитета

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "shout down" в других словарях:

  • shout down — verb silence or overwhelm by shouting • Hypernyms: ↑hush, ↑quieten, ↑silence, ↑still, ↑shut up, ↑hush up • Verb Frames: Somebody s somebody * * * [verb] …   Useful english dictionary

  • shout down — phrasal verb [transitive] Word forms shout down : present tense I/you/we/they shout down he/she/it shouts down present participle shouting down past tense shouted down past participle shouted down to make it difficult to hear what someone says by …   English dictionary

  • shout down — PHRASAL VERB If people shout down someone who is trying to speak, they prevent that person from being heard by shouting at them. [V n P] They shouted him down when he tried to explain why Zaire needed an interim government... [V P n (not pron)]… …   English dictionary

  • shout down — verb To shout louder than (someone) in order to force through ones argument or point of view. He had shouted down at least one judge in the Mairie de Luxembourg after a dozen cigars had failed to bring about his ends …   Wiktionary

  • shout down — {v.} To object loudly to; defeat by shouting. * /Grace suggested that we give our club money to charity, but she was shouted down./ * /The crowd shouted down the Mayor s suggestions./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • shout down — {v.} To object loudly to; defeat by shouting. * /Grace suggested that we give our club money to charity, but she was shouted down./ * /The crowd shouted down the Mayor s suggestions./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • shout\ down — v To object loudly to; defeat by shouting. Grace suggested that we give our club money to charity, but she was shouted down. The crowd shouted down the Mayor s suggestions …   Словарь американских идиом

  • shout down — (Roget s IV) v. Syn. silence, shut up, overcome; see defeat 1 , 3 , quiet 2 …   English dictionary for students

  • shout down — silence a speech by yelling louder …   English contemporary dictionary

  • shout — ► VERB 1) speak or call out very loudly. 2) (shout at) reprimand loudly. 3) (shout down) prevent (someone) from speaking or being heard by shouting. 4) Austral./NZ informal treat (someone) to (something, especially a drink). ► NOUN …   English terms dictionary

  • shout — [shout] n. [ME schoute, prob. < an OE cognate of ON skūta, a taunt, prob. < IE * (s)kud , to cry out > SCOUT2] 1. a loud cry or call 2. any sudden, loud outburst or uproar 3. [orig. uncert.] [Austral. & N.Z. Informal] Austral. N.Z.… …   English World dictionary

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