Смотреть что такое "shoulder-loop" в других словарях:
shoulder loop — noun : a flap on each shoulder of a service uniform (as of the United States Air Force, Army, or Marine Corps) which extends inward from the sleeve seam and fastens by a button at the edge of the collar and on which an officer wears metal… … Useful english dictionary
shoulder loop — a flap on each shoulder of a service uniform on which metallic insignia of rank are worn by commissioned and warrant officers in the Army, Air Force, and Marines. Also called shoulder strap. * * * … Universalium
shoulder — n. & v. n. 1 a the part of the body at which the arm, foreleg, or wing is attached. b (in full shoulder joint) the end of the upper arm joining with the collar bone and blade bone. c either of the two projections below the neck from which the… … Useful english dictionary
Shoulder mark — A shoulder mark, also called a shoulder loop, (rank) slide, slip on, epaulette sleeve, or (erroneously) an epaulette, is a flat cloth sleeve worn on the shoulder strap of a uniform. It may bear rank or other insignia.AustraliaThe newer Auscam… … Wikipedia
shoulder strap — 1. a strap worn over the shoulder, as to support a garment. 2. See shoulder loop. [1680 90] * * * … Universalium
Loop jump — The Loop is a figure skating jump that takes off from a back outside edge and lands on the same edge. For a jump with counterclockwise rotation, this is the right back outside edge. It is named from its similarity to the loop compulsory figure.… … Wikipedia
Shoulder surgery — As the shoulder is the most complex and unstable joint in the body, it can get injured easily. Many surgeries have been developed to repair the muscles, connective tissue or damaged joints that can arise from traumatic or overuse injuries to the… … Wikipedia
shoulder — Synonyms and related words: Chateaubriand, abutment, accept, advocate, afford support, alpenstock, ankle, arc boutant, arm, arm in arm, articulation, as one, ascender, assault, associate with, assume, athletic supporter, avoid, back, back up,… … Moby Thesaurus
loop — Synonyms and related words: O, air hole, ambit, annular muscle, annulus, arc, arch, areola, armhole, association, aureole, band, bank, beat, begird, belt, belt in, bend, bend back, beset, bilge, blain, bleb, blister, blob, blowhole, boss, bow,… … Moby Thesaurus
Toe loop jump — The toe loop is one of the simplest jumps in figure skating.cite book |last=Yamaguchi |first=Kristi |authorlink=Kristi Yamaguchi |coauthors= Christy Ness, Jody Meacham |title=Figure Skating for Dummies |year=1997 |publisher=Hungry Minds |location … Wikipedia
Lebanese loop — A Lebanese loop is a device used to commit fraud and identity theft by exploiting automated teller machines (ATMs). Its name comes from its regular use amongst Lebanese financial crime perpetrators, although it has now spread to various other… … Wikipedia