shot explosion
Смотреть что такое "shot explosion" в других словарях:
explosion shot — n. Golf a shot used in hitting a ball from a sand trap, in which the sand just behind the ball rather than the ball itself is struck with full force … English World dictionary
explosion — index discharge (shot), outbreak, outburst, outcry, passion, repercussion, salvo, violence Burton s Legal … Law dictionary
explosion shot — noun : a golf shot made by driving the club head into sand just behind the ball * * * Golf. a shot for playing a golf ball out of a sand trap in which the club is swung down into the sand just under and behind the ball. [1925 30] * * * explosion… … Useful english dictionary
shot — Synonyms and related words: Nimrod, SOL, Telephoto, Wirephoto, admission, admission fee, aerial photograph, all bets off, all off, all over, all up, altitude peak, anchorage, ante, antelope, antitoxin, approach, archer, arrow, artilleryman, assay … Moby Thesaurus
shot — I n 1. crack, report, discharge; blast, explosion, detonation; bang, boom, burst, eruption, crash. 2. ball, Minid ball, pellet, bullet, slug; missile, projectile, ammunition, Inf. ammo; cannonball; Archaic. grapeshot, Archaic. grape. 3. marksman … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
explosion — I (Roget s IV) n. 1. [The act of blowing up] Syn. detonation, blast, burst, discharge, blowout, blowup, concussion, eruption, percussion, combustion, outburst, firing, ignition, backfire, fulmination, pop. 2. [A loud noise] Syn. report, blast,… … English dictionary for students
shot — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) adj. propelled, struck (see propulsion); interspersed, interwoven. n. bullet, ball, pellet; discharge, stroke, attempt; slang, injection, inoculation, hypodermic, hypo. See arms, remedy. II (Roget s IV)… … English dictionary for students
explosion — Synonyms and related words: accelerando, acceleration, access, aggravation, backfire, bang, bark, beefing up, blast, blaze, blaze of temper, blowing up, blowout, blowup, boom, burgeoning, burst, clap, concentration, condensation, consolidation,… … Moby Thesaurus
explosion — n 1. blast, discharge, detonation; bang, boom, burst, eruption, crash; rumble, roll, thunder, fulmination; shot, crack, report; salvo, volley, fusillade. 2. outburst, outbreak, burst, flare up, eruption, upheaval; fit, tantrum, convulsion, spasm … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
explosion shot — Golf. a shot for playing a golf ball out of a sand trap in which the club is swung down into the sand just under and behind the ball. [1925 30] * * * … Universalium
shot point — /ˈʃɒt pɔɪnt/ (say shot poynt) noun (in geophysical exploration) a point at which an explosion is set off to create seismic waves …